IGNet |
Welcome to IGnet serving as a portal to the Federal Inspector General Community whose primary responsiblities, to the American public, are to detect and prevent fraud, waste, abuse, and violations of law and to promote economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the operations of the Federal Government. The Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended, establishes the responsibilities and duties of an IG. The IG Act has been amended to increase the number of agencies with statutory IGs. In 1988 came the establishment of IGs in smaller, independent agencies and there are now 67 statutory IGs. IGnet is also serves as the purveyor of information, to the American public, from the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE). "The Inspector General Reform Act of 2008" created the CIGIE combining what were formerly known as the "PCIE" (President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency) and the "ECIE" (Executive Council on Integrity and Efficiency). The CIGIE has 7 committees, Audit, Human Resources, Information Technology, Inspection and Evaluation, Investigations, Integrity, and Legislation as well as several related organizations. The CIGIE also provides specialized training to the IG community. |
Acting Executive Director |
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