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Student Design Competition  
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In 2004, Labs21 honored the winners of the first-ever Labs21 Student Design Competition.

Review a press release (Adobe PDF. Click for more information. 2 pp., 26 KB, about PDF) from the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture announcing the winning designs.

First Place
Bernhard Kutzer, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
Faculty Sponsor: Susan Piedmont-Palladino

Second Place
Etienne Boudreault-Sauvageau and Pascal Gobeil, Université Laval
Green over gray
Faculty Sponsor: Claude MH Demers and André Potvin

Third Place
Mathieu Lemieux Blanchard and Marie Bourdeau, McGill University
Science as [dissection]u[incison]
Faculty Sponsor: David Covo

Honorable Mentions:
Zenin Adrian and Jin-Yi Pao, University of Toronto
A Symbolic Relationship Between Laboratories and Classrooms
Faculty Sponsor: Barry Sampson

Dominic Grecki and Kevin Leslie, Lawrence Technological University
Faculty Sponsor: Edward Orlowski

David Minke and Jason Nelson, University of Toronto
Faculty Sponsor: Barry Sampson

Veronique Proteau and Marie-Helene Verdier, Université Laval
The Quest: Science shedding light on nature
Faculty Sponsor: Claude MH Demers and André Potvin

Rabindra Ramcharan, Syracuse University
BioLab 21
Faculty Sponsors: Bruce Abbey and Terrance Goode

About the Competition
The first-of-its-kind competition challenged architecture students and faculty from the United States and Canada to design a laboratory building that exemplified high performance, low-energy design principles, in addition to meeting core architectural design considerations. For the competition, students designed a Chemistry and Biology Laboratory building on the campus of Georgetown University in Washington, District of Columbia.

In developing a design proposal, competitors were asked to address several critical issues:

  • Architectural expression that embraces the ethic of sustainability
  • Minimal ecological impact
  • Design for human performance
  • Design for flexibility and adaptability
  • Exceptional innovation

The Competition Program (Adobe PDF. Click for more information. 17 pp., 766 KB, about PDF) provides complete details on all aspects of the competition.

A total of $5,000 in cash prizes were awarded to winning students and their faculty sponsors. Winners presented their projects at the Labs21 2004 Annual Conference in St. Louis, Missouri. Prize-winning submissions were also exhibited at the 2005 ACSA Annual Meeting in Chicago and the 2005 American Institute of Architects' National Convention in Las Vegas.

The jury consisted of Douglas Kelbaugh, FAIA, dean of the University of Michigan School of Architecture; Sandra Mendler, AIA, an architect with HOK, and a nationally recognized leader in the field of sustainable design; and G. Craig Randock, AIA, design principal in the Phoenix office of SmithGroup, a national architecture, engineering, and planning firm with a 150-year legacy of providing design solutions for the natural and built environment.

Sponsors and Supporting Organizations
The competition was sponsored by Labs21, with support from Public Works Government Services Canada. The competition was administered by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture.

The competition was dedicated to the late Donald Prowler, a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects and a nationally recognized professor of architecture, building climatology, and sustainability principles. As one of the core participants in the Labs21 program, Don's contributions, insight, and guidance established much of the foundation for today's successful program.

For additional information, please contact ACSA at Exitor

*Note: Please do not contact Georgetown University requesting information about this competition.