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Design Courses  
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Labs21 currently offers two one-day courses that introduce strategies for designing and constructing sustainable laboratories in both new and existing facilities. One course covers introductory topics, while the other is more advanced, designed for those who have already taken the introductory course. The courses, which cover topics ranging from the architecture of high-performance laboratories to the energy efficient design process, are taught by seasoned laboratory designers, energy managers, and facilities professionals.

Labs21 also offers two half-day courses that cover specific topics in sustainable engineering and design. The courses are specific to Environmental Performance Criteria (EPC) and Operations and Maintenence (O&M). They each delve further into the sustainable laboratory design principles and provide attendees a more focused look at sustainable practices.

Use the links to the right to learn more about each course, plus a list of upcoming and past offerings.

Become a Registered Labs21 Instructor

Laboratories for the 21st Century (Labs21) is now accepting applications from experts in the field of sustainable laboratory design to become registered instructors for the following Labs21 courses:

• Labs21 Introductory Course: High Performance, Low-Energy Design
• Labs21 Advanced Course: Laboratory Ventilation Design
• Labs21 Workshop: Environmental Performance Criteria
• Labs21 Workshop: Operations and Maintenance

To apply, please complete the Registered Labs21 Instructor Application (Adobe PDF. Click for more information. 4 pp., 50.5 KB, about PDF). Completed forms should be faxed to 703-841-1440, or emailed to Labs21.

Note: Labs21 2008 Workshop Co-Sponsor, the International Institute for Sustainable LaboratoriesExit (I2SL)will provide compensation for instructors' time and expenses.

Labs21 Goes Down Under

Learn about Labs21's participation in a sustainable laboratory design conference in Brisbane, Australia.