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LBNL Honored

Four of R&D magazine's prestigious R&D 100 Awards for 2008, which recognize the 100 most significant proven technological advances of the year, have gone to researchers at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) and their colleagues.

The 2008 award designees are:

  • Berkeley Lab PhyloChip—a DNA microarray that quickly, comprehensively, and accurately identifies species within microbial samples.
  • Biomimetic Search Engine—Mimics the human cognitive process to find hidden and contextually relevant information in literature, databases, music, and other digital content.
  • FastBit Bitmap Index—the fastest indexing technology for accelerating searching operations of massive databases.
  • Nanostructured Polymer Electrolyte for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries—Enables the development of rechargeable lithium metal batteries with energy density that is at least a factor of two larger than that of existing technology.

"Winning four awards is a tremendous achievement that speaks very highly of the strength of our science and its relevance to solving complex global problems," said Cheryl Fragiadakis, head of LBNL's Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Management Department.

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