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Bob Pawlowski, Legislative Liaison (Detail from The Alaska Legislature) Print E-mail

Bob Pawlowski

Direct:  907-271-1423 - This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Captain Bob Pawlowski serves as the Alaska State Legislature's Legislative Liaison to the Denali Commision. Prior to joining the Denali Commission, Captain Bob worked with ocean surveying, fishery development, and maritime industry support for over 33 years. As a career NOAA Corps Officer, he commanded two NOAA fishery research vessels and earned a USCG Masters License. He has served in various policy and regional planning positions including the Northeast Regional Planning Officer for NOAA Fisheries and the Alaska Navigation Advisor for the Office of Coast Survey. Upon completing his service with NOAA, he has worked as the Advisor for Port MacKenzie; Alaska Program Manager, Thales GeoSolutions; General Manager and Interim CEO for St. George Native Corporation; and the Executive Director, Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation.

Captain Bob is an adjunct professor and advisor for the UAA School of Engineering and has earned a Masters in Engineering Management and MBA from UAA. Climate change and coastal engineering are areas of particular interest. He has served on the Alaska Climate Impact Assessment Commission and serves with the Immediate Action Working Group and Adaptation Advisory Group of the Governor's Sub-Cabinet on Climate Change.