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Jimmy C. Smith - Alaska Dept. of Comm., Community & Economic Development Liaison Print E-mail

Direct: 907-271-3018 - This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Jimmy C. Smith was been appointed by Commissioner Emil Notti to serve as the Business Development Specialist at the Denali Commission in partnership with the Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development. Mr. Smith has worked with the Department since August 2001 and also worked for the Department from 1993 to 1999 in Bethel and in Anchorage. Jimmy is a lifelong Alaskan born in Mekoryuk on Nunivak Island. He is a graduate of Bethel Regional High School and holds an Associate of Arts degree from Sheldon Jackson College.

The position will coordinate Department program information to the Denali Commission staff and Commission policy and program information to the Department in order to support the work and mission of both agencies. The position will explore ways for the Commission and Department, in cooperation with other organizations, to collaborate on rural community planning and development projects. It will enhance working relationships among state, federal and local community governments, and Alaska Native and private organizations represented in rural Alaska. It will also implement Commission projects and policy tasks.