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Government Coordination

The Denali Commission is charged with the special role of increasing government effectiveness. The Commission does so by acting as a catalyst and strategic partner for many federal and state programs in Alaska. The Commission joined others in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that outlines the roles of agencies in coordinating resources and efforts in areas such as community planning, sustainability, data sharing and coordination of pre-construction activities. This MOU served as the basis for creating several multi-agency workgroups and cooperative projects that have increased overall government effectiveness. The MOU was amended in 2003 with increased participation from both state and federal partners and renewed once again in 2008. This renewed effort focuses efforts on improving the channels of communications amongst the heads of all federal and state agencies with an emphasis on critical issues that affect the entire state of Alaska: the high cost of energy, outmigration, and coordination of efforts among all government agencies.

Government Coordination has become a mainstay of the efforts the Denali Commission has undertaken in improving communities in rural Alaska. In addition to the MOU Partners Workgroup, the Planning Workgroup and the Buckland Workgroup are both actively involved in finding solutions to the needs of rural Alaska. Meeting times, agendas and information can be found both on our Calendar of Events and in our monthly eNewsletter.


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