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April 2009 Print E-mail
Economic Development Program

Mark Allred - Program Manager - This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Our program endeavors to extend and expand entrepreneurial knowledge and access in rural Alaskan communities.  Progress towards these strategic goals are being made by vital partnerships with the following projects;

Alaska Marketplace Business Ideas Competition

The award winning Alaska Marketplace, which is modeled after an initiative by the World Bank, is a business ideas competition in which entrepreneurial ideas are sparked by winners receiving an equity injection from the private sector for their entrepreneurial ideas.

Statewide Economic Development Plan

A statewide economic development strategic plan supported by the Governor’s office, the State Chamber of Commerce, and the Alaska Municipal League our program partner in this initiative is the Alaska Regional Development Organizations (ARDORs).

Alaska Source Link Entrepreneurial Web Portal

Lastly we are creating the Alaska Source Link web portal.  The Alaska Entrepreneurial Consortium is a coalition of 19 regional development organizations and statewide service providers who share the collaborative goal of strengthening support to entrepreneurs and small business owners by providing easy access to available resources.  The benefit to Federal Agencies is in making their programs more broadly inclusive to the outlying areas of our state.