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February 2008 Print E-mail
Energy Program

It seems as if all the energy program updates have been about alternative-renewable energy and energy cost reduction this winter. With the price of fuel this year, those topics remain of high interest. So here are a few reminders, plus new information.

The Denali Commission and AEA have two Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for energy projects open until February 12th. There is approximately $5 million available under each RFP. Applications for Alternative Energy Projects can be for either construction-ready or pre-construction activities. Energy Cost Reduction proposals are generally for projects ready for construction. See our website or the AEA website the for information and application forms for these RFPs.

January 15th, the Denali Commission published our Draft Work Plan for federal fiscal year 2008. This draft proposes up to $9 million for alternative-renewable energy projects: if approved this would be the second time the Commission has specifically set funding aside for alternative energy. We are accepting public comments on the work plan until February 14th. You can find it here: Draft Work Plan FY08.

USDA-Rural Utilities Service has announced another funding opportunity for High Energy Cost grants. There is $6.8 million available for competitive grants under this Notice of Funds Available (NOFA), with proposals due by March 28th. You can find more information and the applications at RUS NOFA.

Finally, remember that most communities will still need safe, code-compliant bulk fuel storage no matter how their electricity is generated. We use it for heat and to run vehicles and equipment too. Recently we have received a number of requests for grants to purchase fuel; something we cannot do. The Commission continues to fund bulk fuel upgrades and consolidations as part of our legacy energy programs.  A few years ago the Commissioners asked that we competitively bid projects that were estimated to cost more than $3 million, rather than designing and building under a construction management model. The first 'bid ' bulk fuel facility was completed in Kwethluk in 2006. Unalakleet was next, with nearly 1.5 million gallons of storage completed in December 2007. This spring, Alaska Energy Authority expects to issue requests for bids for a new bulk fuel facility in Ruby. With a few projects under our belts, we are starting to gather useful information to compare the two models for constructing bulk fuel facilities in rural Alaska. We ' ll keep you posted with our 'lessons learned. '