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Alaska Project Database

Click on the State of Alaska icon to view an interactive map of all Denali Commission projects by funding year, location, and program area.


When the Denali Commission needs to obtain goods or services required to operate the agency office or programs, we do so under the Federal Acquisition Regulations (the FAR).  This set of regulations embodies the philosophy of the federal government to support, to the degree practical, small and disadvantaged businesses when procuring goods and services.  Small businesses are the backbone of the American economy, and the FAR recognizes and implements guidance that encourages contracting with those small businesses.  Competitive solicitations among responsible contractors results in the best value to the Government, and that has fostered new and mutually beneficial relationships between businesses and the Commission.

The federal government requires that performance-based work statements be written, to maximize the application of the contactor’s knowledge and experience in achieving the Government’s goals.  The Denali Commission has competitively procured goods and services over the past two years which include: program management services, technical assistance services, computer software and hardware, photography services, and graphic design services.

Because the authority to obligate federal funds rests with Contracting Officers, we partner with the U.S. Treasury’s Bureau of the Public Debt (BPD) Administrative Resource Center in Parkersburg, West Virginia, which has a procurement branch staffed with highly educated and qualified Contracting professionals.