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  NCD Newsroom

National Council on Disability (NCD)
Quarterly Meeting
October 6-8, 2008
Kansas City MO

Council Members
John Vaughn, Chairman
Chad Colley, Co-vice chairperson
Pat Pound, Co-vice chairperson
Linda Wetters
Lisa Mattheiss
Cynthia Wainscott
Dr. Young Woo Kang
Marylyn Howe
Kathy Martinez
Anne Rader
Victoria Carlson
Lonnie Moore
Dr. Robert Davila

Mike Collins, Executive Director
Joan Durocher, Senior Attorney Advisor
Lisa Grubb, Special Assistant
Mark Quigley, Director of External Affairs
Martin Gould, Director of Research
Julie Carroll, Senior Attorney Advisor

Monday, Oct 6, 2008

Call to Order and Welcome - John R. Vaughn, NCD Chairperson opened the meeting at 8:35 a.m. 

David Robinson, The Whole Person Center for Independent Living, welcomed the Council to Kansas City.

Acceptance of Agenda -Mr. Vaughn reviewed the agenda for the quarterly meeting, stated the purpose of NCD, elaborated on the progress report and gave the locations of upcoming NCD meetings.

Motion: Cynthia Wainscott moved to approve the agenda as presented.  Linda Wetters seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously. 

Marcie Roth, Executive Director of the National Spinal Cord Injury Association, addressed the Council (via telephone) speaking on behalf of the Consortium of Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Emergency Management Task Force about the recent hurricanes, experience with other disasters, concerns about federal response, the role of private sector leaders and NCD.

Public Comment Session – Moderated by Chad Colley, Vice Chairperson
Public comment was provided on the following subjects.

  • Autism
  • Segregation within Missouri's school system
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA)
  • The rights of parents with disabilities
  • Rehabilitation Service Administration's (RSA) new narrow interpretation of Title VII of the Rehab Act
  • Consumer-based waivers
  • Accessibility and empowerment programs
  • Youth Advisory Committee status
  • Veteran Benefits
  • Health benefits for an adult child with a disability
  • In-home Individualized supported living (ISL)
  • Missouri School System for severely disabled

Council Member Reports –Chairman Vaughn facilitated the introduction of NCD staff and guests and asked members of the Council to provide updates on their activities since the last meeting. 

Chad Colley: Shared information about his work with the Commission on the Future of America Veterans which is drawing attention to the service member needs and cost factors weighed against an aggressive foreign policy.  He also welcomed NCD’s newest members and emphasized the importance of active involvement in the work of this Council.

Pat Pound: Devoted most of her time on NCD’s work; she also described efforts to improve daily living for people with disabilities through advisory committee activities with the Corporation for Public Broadcasting/WGBH National Center on Accessible Media and involvement in Open Doors Organization.

Lisa Mattheiss: Has continued work coordinating and implementing special needs conferences through churches and faith-based organizations primarily in TN, GA, (with some time in SC). She stressed importance of outreach and some rewards of individual and family willingness to pose questions and to access this assistance avenue.

Kathy Martinez:  In addition to World Institute on Disability 25th Anniversary preparations, she was involved with her work as a Presidential appointee to the U. S. Institute of Peace. She attributes experience with NCD’s former International Watch Advisory Committee as laying a foundation for upcoming issues that will address disability.

Anne Rader: Has been involved in efforts to obtain pro bono consulting services to assist Houston area disability organizations improve operations, including disaster preparedness/recovery. She serves on the United Cerebral Palsy Board of Trustees. UCP launched a new web-based resource connected to its Life without Limits initiative. (http://www.mychildwithoutlimits.org/)

Victoria Carlson:  in addition to obtaining speakers for this meeting, my NCD work included working with Mike and John regarding next steps for committees. Hopefully, the ADA road show on hold (previously scheduled for Moline, IL) will be rescheduled. She also counsels people newly diagnosed or who are having difficulties (e.g., depression, medications information, health insurance, etc.) related to multiple sclerosis.

Dr. Young Woo Kang:  Motivated a Philadelphia International forum’s adoption of projects that can lead to changing attitudes and removal of other barriers for people with disabilities.  He served as a Korean interpreter for U.S. wounded soldiers project and teamed with an international industry for the blind president to initiate the first South Korean work force development program. He thanked NCD staff for arranged for and provided information to a Korean delegation

Dr. Robert Davila: Spent the majority of his time carrying out duties as interim president of Gallaudet University, where his charge has been to “bring peace and get the university moving again” (i.e., ensure accreditation, raise the standards for the university itself, and aggressively fund raise). He stated that it has been an honor to serve on NCD and work with various appointees for seven year.

Marylyn Howe:  Shared information about work with the Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Council, the Association of Late Deafened Adults, Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress (re: successful passage of the Kennedy-Brownback Bill requiring addition of positive information about Down Syndrome be given to parents by all healthcare providers); and co-presented with NCD staff (Joan Durocher) at the Rehabilitation International Congress in Quebec, Canada.

Linda Wetters: Aside from spending majority of time co-chairing NCD’s employment committee activities, she was involved with Ohio State VR outreach to other organizations for assistance raising the 20% state matching funds to assure federal VR money is available. She also reported that Ohio resident, former NCD staff, Mark Seifarth was a Heroes of People with Disabilities recipient.

Lonnie Moore: In addition to NCD’s employment committee work, and his employment involving policy development on transitioning wounded soldiers (civil life or return to Army service, and services for eligible family members), he served on the Iraq-Afghanistan Family and Service Members Advisory Council that completed a recent paper with recommendations to the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Cynthia Wainscott:  While celebrating passage of parity law after many years, she shared informal observations from servicemen on continuing unmet mental health needs; represented NCD at SAMHSA’s advisory council meeting involving recover-oriented systems of care, elevating behavioral health care in overall health, focusing attention on prevention & early intervention & considering cost savings; reported SAMHSA’s interest in NCD’s veteran’s report dissemination & in the 2010 conference.

Milton Aponte (via Dr. Davila)
Reported that the Treasury Dept was in violation of section 504 and the Treasury will not appeal and will try to find a solution to the issue of appropriate currency for people who are blind.

Homeland Security Committee Report – Pat Pound and Chad Colley, NCD Homeland Security Committee Co-Chairs and Martin Gould, staff, provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.

  • Updates from Elizabeth Davis (contractor)
  • FEMA report on National Disaster Housing Strategy
  • Meeting with Dept of Homeland Security
  • National Disaster Preparedness Month

Glen White, PhD, Director, Nobody Left Behind project, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas presented on the following subjects.

  • Random sample of FEMA-declared disaster areas
  • Emergency plans in Statewide Independent Living Council’s (SILC’s) state plans

Charles Duddy, Emergency Management Director, Gladstone, Missouri presented on the following subjects.

  • Emergency training
  • Volunteer emergency services
  • Community services
  • 3 for 3 publication

Karen Benson, Interim Chair of the Governor's Council on Disability and Co-chair, Government, Faith-based & Community Partnership, Missouri Rehabilitation Center (MRC), Mount Vernon, Missouri presented on the following subjects.

  • Definition of special needs in Missouri
  • Local planning training and training template
  • G197 Course
  • Function-based shelters

Council Member Questions and Dialogue ensued on the following subjects.

  • Progress of WGBH in emergency preparedness notification
  • Public health and the lack of attention to people with disabilities
  • Resources and coordination – challenges and successes
  • Disaster after-care  

Approval of minutes of July 14-16, 2008 Quarterly meeting in Seattle, WA
Motion: Pat Pound moved to approve the July 14-16, 2008 Quarterly meeting minutes.  Kathy Martinez seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Civil Rights Committee Report – Lisa Mattheiss and Victoria Carlson, Co-chairs and Julie Carroll, staff provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.

  • ADA Amendments Act passage
  • Comments on proposed Revisions to ADA Titles II and III Regulations
  • Status of NCD 2008 research report on implementation of the Developmental Disabilities Act
  • Character Counts program

Scott Raecker, Director of Character Counts (www.charactercountsiniowa.org) (www.charactercounts.org) program and member of the Iowa General Assembly presented on the following subjects:

  • 6 pillars of character
    • Trustworthiness
    • Respect
    • Responsibility
    • Fairness
    • Caring
    • Good citizenship
  • Character counts program highlights

Special Guest Former Iowa Governor Robert Ray addressed the Council and thanked the Council for its work in improving lives for people with disabilities and elaborated on the history of Character Counts and Mr. Raecker’s leadership of the program.

Council Member Questions and Dialogue ensued on the following subjects.

  • Criteria for choosing the pillars – from the Aspen Declaration
  • Activities for teaching the pillars
  • Implementation of Character Counts into Drake University’s sports program
  • Infiltration into the workplace

Employment Committee Report - Linda Wetters and Lonnie Moore, Committee Co-Chairs and Joan Durocher, staff provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects:

  • Executive Summary of the VR Transition Report – The Rehabilitation Act: Outcomes for Transition-Age Youth
  • NCD Policy Paper on federal employment of People With Disabilities– contracted with New Editions – they will be synthesizing EEOC data – identifying some of the issues – what are some of the success / failure rates
  • Disability Human Services Infrastructure Report (2008 project)
  • Preliminary Discussion on NCD Employment Report Recommendations from all reports completed during the period 2001 - 2008

Action: Martin email Workforce Infrastructure study project summary to Council requesting members to email top five infrastructure priorities to Martin within one week.  Martin will compile top priorities and present to Committee for consideration prior to presentation to Manpower.  (as requested by Lonnie Moore)

Guest Speaker – Mike Donnelly, Director of the VR agency in Kansas, presented on the following subjects:

  • Mental illness or psychiatric disabilities
  • Transition from high school and SSI
  •  Employment of people with disabilities

Presenters from the Social Security Administration (SSA)
Sue Suter, Associate Commissioner for the Office of Employment Support Programs, presented on the following subjects:

  • Discuss and address the recommendations and concerns of NCD’s 2005 Report: “The Social Security Administration’s Efforts to Promote Employment for Individuals with Disabilities: New Solutions for Old Problems”
  • “New” Ticket to Work program and Partnership Plus
  • Beneficiary Outreach/Education, the national Work Incentives Planning and Assistance Program (WIPA)

Richard Balkus, Associate Commissioner, Office of Program Development and Research, presented on the following subjects:

  • Social Security Administration’s overall research agenda, disability projects and demonstrations and how they relate to and support the Agency Strategic plan
  • How SSA is addressing the recommendations concerning demonstration projects that were contained in the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and NCD reports
  • Overview of SSA’s demonstration projects: the Mental Health Treatment Study and the Benefit Offset National Incentive Simplification and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Program Simplification initiatives

Council Member questions and dialogue ensued on the following subjects.

  • Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program disincentives
  • Extended period of eligibility, 3 years; concern expressed that period of time is not sufficient
  • The ADA Amendments Act and potential improvements to the program
  • Corporation involvements in the employment network
  • Training of / for Social Security staff
  • The impact in States on order of selection

Recommendation: Employment-related recommendations made in NCD reports over the last seven years:

  • 104 recommendations - Federal agencies
  •   67 recommendations - Congress

Committee would like to prioritize the top 25 recommendations and choose the top 10 of those priorities, and work over the next year focusing on the status of the adoption of those priorities; and once those priorities are complete, will go through the process again. 

Recess for the day– 4:40 pm

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Members Present: No Changes from prior day                                

Staff Present: No Changes from prior day

Call to Order and Welcome - John R. Vaughn, NCD Chairperson opened the meeting at 8:35 a.m. 

Review of Agenda –Mr. Vaughn reviewed the agenda for the quarterly meeting.

Introduction of Council Members - NCD members, staff and guests introduced themselves.

Chairperson’s Report - John Vaughn provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.

Motion: Chairman Vaughn requested members to approve the actions from the joint Executive and Finance Committee meetings of July 9, 2008 and August 20, 2008.  Cynthia Wainscott moved to approve minutes as presented and to ratify any motions therein.  Victoria Carlson seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

NCD Bylaws Discussion

The Chairperson stated his concern over the awkwardness of him approving his own travel.  In order for the council to preapprove his travel to Washington so that there was full disclosure of travel plans, the Chairperson made a motion to have the Council approve up to 9 visits to the NCD office in Washington for meetings with the executive director and conduct other business while in Washington.
The council discussion resulted in no second for the motion and consensus was that the Council wants the Chairperson to decide when he needs to travel to the NCD offices for meetings with the NCD executive director, staff or conduct other business.  It was agreed that this discussion should appear in the minutes to provide the Chairperson with full disclosure on this issue and that he might be traveling to up to 9 times during FY 2009 and that the Chairperson will advise the council of any other travel plans as he did with his plans to present at the UN meeting in New York on December 2 and 3.

Appointment of Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs
Motion: John Vaughn moved that Pat Pound and Chad Colley would serve as Vice-Chairs of the Council for fiscal year 2009.  Victoria Carlson seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously. 

Chairman Vaughn presented the meeting cost and public comment table analysis. 

Upcoming meeting locations and locations under consideration:

  • January 12 - 14, 2009 in Scottsdale, AZ
    • (Chaparral Suites Hotel)
  • March 30 – April 1, 2009 in Washington, DC
  • July 2009 – Minneapolis, MN
  • October 2009 – Houston or Tennessee

Action item, consensus was to hold the July, 2009 meeting in Minneapolis.  Pat Pound recommended the council meet in Houston in late October.  Other opinions were expressed for large urban area or rural area.  Executive Committee will look at issue further. 

Action: NCD will prepare a transition report for the new administration.

Discussion ensued on the Committee Structure:

Recommendation: Continue with current structure of using Co-Chairs to oversee the work of the committees.  Chairperson will appoint co-chairs in the next few weeks.
Recommendation: It was the consensus of the Council to have an executive committee, finance committee and legislative committee with Five program committees-homeland security, health care, employment, civil rights and emerging trends.  Civil rights committee will include education issues.  Chairperson will complete committee appointments in next few weeks.

Finance Committee Report - Chad Colley, Committee Chair and Michael Collins, Executive Director provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.

  • Review of 2008 end of year status
    • NCD ended the year with a surplus of approximately $21,000.  This is less than a 1% variation from our budget projection for the year.
  • Expenditures from NCD account 842X: Post-Katrina Act funds
    • there is approximately $193,000 remaining in this fund for use as outlined in the Post-Katrina Emergency Management and Response Act.
  • Final FY 2010 budget as submitted to OMB
  • Financial Summary from GSA for the end of the year was unavailable
  • Contractual obligation for financial support from GSA was discussed with the Council and the Executive Director has been advised to identify all other options available to provide these services to NCD.

Finance Committee – Discussion ensued on the dual responsibility and oversight in conjunction with the Executive Committee.  The Council decided it to was too much authority to defer to only one committee and decided to maintain the finance committee separate of the executive committee.  The following members volunteered or were asked to serve and were tasked with updating the financial manual:
Linda Wetters, Lonnie Moore, Katherine McCary.

Motion: Chad Colley moved that the finance committee chair and executive director be authorized to issue a contract not to exceed $2,500 to study the parameters necessary and options available to ensure that we get the best possible opinion about how we can manage our financial resources and assure accountability for all transactions at NCD.  Linda Wetters seconded the motion.  Discussion ensued.  The motion passed unanimously.

Motion: John moved to accept the finance committee report as presented.  Kathy Martinez seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Executive Director’s Report - Michael Collins provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.

  • Staff responsibilities
  • Fiscal  and travel processes
  • Staff vacancies
  • Report releases
    • VCU Employment report October 28 in DC
    • Veterans 11/11 DOD /VA health care paper – Veterans Day Is the option currently under consideration by the committee
  • Public Outreach Impact
  • Quarterly activity update
  • NCD work, and it's impact and influence
  • Hiring of a legislative specialist
  • NCD’s 2010 National Summit on Disability Policy –
    • Executive Committee will coordinate committee assignment
    • Contractor: New Editions
    • Staff: Joan Durocher
    • Potential Policy Paper Topics
      • Civil Rights (including voting issues)
      • Employment
      • Education
      • Health Care
      • Transportation
      • Housing
      • Telecommunications and Technology
      • Homeland Security (including emergency preparedness)
      • Disability Statistics
      • International

Discussion ensued on social security, youth, seniors, cultural diversity, asset accumulation and mental health Recommendation: Include 2010 National Summit on Disability Policy as a regular agenda item

Recommendation: Include mental health in healthcare paper

Recommendation: Asset management -disability statistics

Action: Add to Web site bulletin a couple of sentences – what we are working on

Legislative Committee Report – Cynthia Wainscott, co-chair, and Michael Collins and Julie Carroll, staff provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.

  • Legislative update
    • Passage of the Mental Health Parity Act
  • Congressional actions taken on NCD report recommendations
    • ADA Amendments Act
    • Keeping Track
  • Higher Education Act was passed - HR4137
    • New task force assignment for NCD
      • NCD to review curriculum materials for accessibility
  • Status of hiring of legislative specialist; cancel GSA posting

Action: Move forward in hiring a Schedule A candidate at a GS13 and have on staff by end of year

Federal Advisory Committee Reports

International Watch Advisory Committee Report -- Kathy Martinez and Victoria Carlson, Council Liaisons and Joan Durocher, staff provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.

  • Marylyn Howe provided highlights from the presentation at the Rehabilitation International conference
  • International Watch Charter was renewed at the Seattle quarterly meeting
  • Comparative analysis / examination of international law
  • Use of NCD’s 2003 report by State Department advisory committee

Cultural Diversity Advisory Committee report –Michael Collins, staff provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.

  • July 10, 2008 and August 21, 2008 minutes were reviewed

Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) Report - Victoria Ray Carlson, Council Liaison and Michael Collins, staff provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.

  • The communication with YAC members and the status of the advisory committees
  • Letter from YAC chair

Discussion ensued about the status of all NCD advisory committees, and the following recommendation was presented from the executive committee meeting of September 20, 2008:

1. The Executive Committee recommends that the Youth Advisory Committee, the Cultural Diversity Advisory Committee and the International Watch Advisory Committee should all be terminated immediately.
2. In order for the Council to ensure ongoing perspectives from youth with disabilities, a better understanding of the needs of people with disability from culturally diverse populations and the international perspective on issues affecting persons with disabilities, the following initiatives will be taken:
a. Funds will be set aside annually for contracts or other initiatives to achieve this goal.  In FY 2009, this amount will be $15,000. 
b. New program and research contracts will continue to include provisions to achieve this goal.
c. The Council will reach out in a proactive manner to receive input from youth, culturally diverse populations and organizations with an international perspective on disability issues to achieve this goal so that the perspective of these groups can be included in deliberations and decisions of the NCD.

Motion: John Vaughn moved to adopt the recommendation from the executive committee.  Chad Colley seconded the motion.
Discussion ensued on the following subjects.

  • The motion is relative to all advisory committees
  • The Council’s representation of diverse groups
  • A new way to get input; imperative to get a broad sample
  • Enhance outreach; targeted outreach
  • Committees’ contribution to the Council

Motion: Linda Wetters moved to amend the motion to terminate the committees effective 30 days, and during that time solicit input from the advisory committee members on how to transition forward.  Pat Pound seconded the motion.  Discussion ensued.

The motion to amend the original motion failed by a 5 in favor and 7 against vote with  
Those voting in favor: Pat Pound, Dr. Kang, Kathy Martinez, Linda Wetters, Lonnie Moore
Those voting against the amendment : Victoria Carlson, Anne Rader, Chad Colley, John Vaughn, Marylyn Howe, Dr. Davila, Lisa Mattheiss. 

Motion: John Vaughn moved to amend the original motion to adopt the recommendation from the executive committee and add a letter thanking advisory committee members for serving and asking them for input on how to transition forward.  The letter will be presented to the Council for review prior to dissemination.  Linda Wetters seconded the amendment.  The motion passed unanimously.

Motion: Kathy Martinez moved to make International a formal committee of the Council.  Pat Pound seconded the motion.  The motion passed with 10 votes in favor and Cynthia Wainscott and Marylyn Howe abstaining.  
The Council recognized outgoing members
Cynthia Wainscott and Dr. Kang gave outgoing remarks

The Council recognized Mike Collins’ birthday.

Emerging Trends Committee Report – Marylyn Howe, Chair and Julie Carroll, Staff provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.

  • Status of NCD Housing report (2008 project), effective September 1, University of Illinois at Chicago, supports or benefits are provided
  • Introduction to Annual Progress report
    • First draft received: discussion of that draft was deferred to Wednesday.
  • Preliminary results of Public Consultation

Diane Golden, Executive Director, Missouri Assistive Technology Project presented on the following subjects.

  • Accessible voting equipment and jurisdiction
  • Assistive technology and the Assistive Technology Act
  • Funding for relay services
  • Financial loan programs
  • Education and transition

Tec Chapman, Deputy Director, Division of Mental Retardation / Developmental Disabilities, Missouri Department of Mental Health presented on the following subjects.

  • Economy
  • Employment of people with disabilities
  • Developmental disabilities over the age of 65
  • Workforce development
  • Training for direct support professionals
  • Infrastructure

Council Member Questions and Dialogue ensued on the following subjects.

  • Transportation
  • Medicaid and the shortage of physicians
  • Autism

Health Care Committee Report - Anne Rader, Chair and Julie Carroll, staff provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects.

  • Recommendations from completed DOD/Veterans Health Care report
    • Peer review still needed
    • Possible recommendation - have a veteran’s organization review the report as currently presented
  • Update on DREDF Disability Healthcare report

Susan Crain Lewis, President and CEO, Mental Health America of the Heartlands, discussing “Emerging Trends in Mental Health” presented on the following subjects.

  • Causes of mental illness and rates of recovery
  • Passage of the Mental Health Parity Act
  • Symptoms of mental illness
  • Peer support

Council Member Questions and Dialogue ensued on the following subjects.

  • Medical care
  • Criminal justice
  • Media awareness

Public Comment Session – Moderated by Chad Colley, Vice Chairperson
Public comment was provided on the following subjects.

  • Chemical and electrical sensitivity
  • Youth Advisory Committee status
  • Standard of Certification for service animals
  • Visual access through the digital process
  • Deaf access to public health
  • Standardized tests for deaf and hard of hearing students
  • Affordable housing access
  • Internet access for video phones
  • Support service providers
  • Physical and attitudinal barriers


The meeting was recessed at 4:50 p.m. until Wednesday, October 8, 2008.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Members Present: Kathy Martinez was unable to attend the third day of the meeting

Staff Present: No Changes from prior day

Call to Order and Welcome - John R. Vaughn, NCD Chairperson opened the meeting at 8:00 a.m. 

Arizona meeting schedule discussed.  Chairman Vaughn encouraged members and staff to make flight arrangements in advance with a return date of January 15, 2009.

Unfinished / New Business
John Vaughn facilitated discussion on the following subjects:

  • Consumers’ concern about finding NCD reports on website
  • Member concern about the practice of sole sourcing

Emerging Trends Committee Report (continuation) – Marylyn Howe, Chair and Julie Carroll, Staff provided updates and facilitated discussion on the following subjects:

  • Annual progress report draft
  • Recommendations / Rationale
  • Need more succinct recommendations
  • Remove - If recommendation is: if you find x, you should do y
  • Healthcare report will include recommendations
  • Draft due December 1

Action: Julie send memo to each Chair making sure that there are not additional recommendations.

Action: The Council spent 90 minutes reviewing and discussing the progress report draft recommendations in detail and discussed each recommendations and made appropriate suggestions to the recommendation.  Each recommendations was assigned to specific members to work on improving the language of the recommendation to be in keeping with the consensus of the members.  These recommendations will be sent back to Julie Carroll and forwarded to the contractor.   The corrected draft will be disseminated to the entire Council for further review and comments.

Action:  All members agreed that the Executive Director is to send the transcript of the discussion on the annual progress report to Council.

The Council recognized Marylyn Howe’s birthday.

Draft FACA letter reviewed
The draft FACA letter was reviewed and unanimously approved for immediate mailing. 

FutureNCD Meetings scheduled:

  • January 12 - 14, 2009 in Scottsdale, AZ
    • (Chaparral Suites Hotel)
  • March 30 – April 1, 2009 in Washington, DC
  • July 2009 – Minneapolis, MN

Motion: Cynthia Wainscott moved to adjourn at 10:40 a.m.  Dr. Kang seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously. 

APPENDICES: Summary of presenter Comments-

Employment Committee

Michael Donnelly

Largest population in the Kansas rehabilitation system today is people who experience mental illness or psychiatric disability.   A lot of attention is also going to youth with disabilities transitioning out of high school.  Too often, the message sent to youth is get on SSI.  They [youth] will spend a minimum on average of 27 years on SSI if they leave high school on SSI and will get an average of $443/month to live on when the median income in Kansas is 40K.   It’s a culture of poverty.  Main message to the Council:  as you think about employment , keep in mind that we are not going to achieve economic equality in this country for people with disabilities until we change the minds of people with disabilities about working.  We need to change the culture – we need to stop sending the message from parents, teachers, professionals, educators, lawyers, therapists that you can’t work and that you won’t get your SSI money if you work. The whole disability system conspires to make people who are able to return to work, unable to return to work.  The real reason we are not making advances is that people with disabilities themselves believe the message they are hearing. We need to change the culture of poverty among people with disabilities to expect more of themselves, expect more of each other, and set our sights higher than $443/month.

Sue Suter
Discussed and addressed the recommendations and concerns in NCD’s Social Security report.  Since the publishing of the Report, SSA has implemented many changes to the Ticket to Work Program and to the other Employment Supports Program SSA operates.  She discussed the “New” Ticket to Work Program, and accompanying program changes in the VR reimbursement program and Partnership Plus, as well as the other employment support programs that SSA administers.  Other programs include Beneficiary Outreach/Education, the national Work Incentives Planning and Assistance Program (WIPA), Federal, State and Local Interagency Coordination and Collaboration Projects, Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security Program, the traditional VR Reimbursement Program.  All are designed to provide greater choice and improved employment supports and targeted services to SSA beneficiaries with disabilities who want to work.  

New regulatory improvements in the Ticket Program provide Social Security beneficiaries with disabilities who want to enter or re-enter the workforce greater choices in obtaining the supports and services they need to achieve their goals.  With increased support, better payment plans, and incentives for partnering with State VR agencies, the new Ticket Program regulations provide service providers and employers with terrific opportunities to become Employment Networks and start incorporating the Ticket Program into their everyday business practices. 

SSA’s other programs help beneficiaries with disabilities overcome major barriers to employment.  Beneficiaries may choose to use SSA’s WIPA benefits analysis service to assist them in planning their path to employment, Medicaid and Medicare work incentives and buy-in programs, SSI and SSDI work incentives and benefit offsets, and, with the help of benefits planning and analysis, other State and local service and support programs.

Richard Balkus

Mr. Balkus discussed how SSA’s overall research agenda, disability projects, and demonstrations relate to and support the recently released Agency Strategic Plan.  He then described how SSA is addressing the recommendations concerning demonstration projects that were contained in both the Government Accountability Office and the National Council on Disability report.  Following this discussion, he  provided an overview of two of the SSA’s demonstration projects:  the Mental Health Treatment Study and the Benefit Offset National Demonstration.  Lastly, Mr. Balkus touched on the status of SSA’s work incentive simplification and Supplemental Security Income program simplification initiatives.





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