U.S. Policy Statement Regarding Civil GPS Availability
March 21, 2003

The United States Government recognizes that GPS plays a key role around the world as part of the global information infrastructure and takes seriously the responsibility to provide the best possible service to civil and commercial users worldwide. This is as true in times of conflict as it is in times of peace.

The U.S. Government also maintains the capability to prevent hostile use of GPS and its augmentations while retaining a military advantage in a theater of operations without disrupting or degrading civilian uses outside the theater of operations.

We believe we can ensure that GPS continues to be available as an invaluable global utility at all time, while at the same time, protecting U.S. and coalition security requirements.

(This statement was originally issued by the Interagency GPS Executive Board, predecessor to the National Space-Based PNT Executive Committee.)

September 17, 2001

GPS Selective Availability (SA) has not been used since its deactivation by the President on May 1, 2000. At that time, the United States Government stated that it has no intent to ever use SA again. There has been no change in this policy.

It is important to note that, pursuant to both the United States GPS Policy and the Federal Radionavigation Plan, the Global Positioning System and all other federally provided radionavigation systems are responsive to the National Command Authorities.

For the most current information on the operational status of GPS and GPS-related services, please refer to the U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center, which is responsible for disseminating operational GPS information to the civilian user community.

(This notice was originally issued by the Interagency GPS Executive Board, predecessor to the National Space-Based PNT Executive Committee.)