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Welcome from The Honorable Emily C. Hewitt, Chief Judge

On March 11, 2009, President Obama designated me as Chief Judge of the United States Court of Federal Claims. It is my great honor as the new Chief Judge to welcome you to our website and to our court.

I thank Judge Edward J. Damich for his seven years of service as Chief Judge and for his vigorous efforts on behalf of the court, most especially for his accomplishments in reaching out to the bar of the court across the country.

The court is fortunate to have the support of a distinguished Advisory Council and an exemplary Bar Association and I am looking forward to working with both organizations on issues and events important to the court. I encourage the participation of counsel in the Bar Association as a way to become more familiar both with the court and with your colleagues in the bar.

This year, two of the court’s signature annual events are moving forward: Law Day, May 8, 2009 and the court’s Judicial Conference, October 29, 2009 at Tulane University in New Orleans. Please visit the Bar Association’s website for information about both events.

From time to time I will update this greeting to keep you apprised of upcoming events. Thank you for your interest in the court.