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Rules of the United States Court of Federal Claims

Click to download entire Published Rules November 3, 2008

Originally effective October 1, 1982,
as revised and reissued May 1, 2002,
and as amended through November 3, 2008

The United States Court of Federal Claims (formerly designated United States Claims Court) was created by the Federal Courts Improvement Act of 1982 (Pub. L. No. 97-164, 96 Stat. 25 (1982)). The court inherited the jurisdiction formerly exercised by the United States Court of Claims. Title 28 U.S.C. § 2503(b)authorizes the United States Court of Federal Claims to prescribe rules of practice and procedure for its proceedings.

The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure applicable to civil actions tried by a United States district court sitting without a jury have been incorporated into the following rules to the extent appropriate for proceedings in this court.

2002 Rules Committee Note

In the 2002 revision, the court has endeavored to create a set of rules that conforms to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure as amended through November 30, 2001, to the extent practicable given differences in jurisdiction between the United States district courts and the United States Court of Federal Claims. Consistent with this objective, interpretation of the court’s rules will be guided by case law and the Advisory Committee Notes that accompany the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The court’s own Rules Committee Notes are intended primarily to state the source of a given rule but in some instances also to provide interpretive guidance.

Future revisions to these rules will be posted on the court’s website at

2005 Rules Committee Note

The 2005 revision extends the symmetry between these rules and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Immediately after each rule, a parenthetical reference indicates the date of adoption and the dates of any amendments, commencing with the substantial revision and reordering of the rules that occurred in 2002. Each rule is also followed by a Rules Committee Note or Notes explaining the basis and purpose of the rule as revised in 2002 and of any substantive amendments thereafter. The evolution of the court’s rules has been increasingly significant to the court’s work, and the addition of historical Rules Committee Notes should aid both counsel and the court in resolving issues that may arise regarding the rules. Stylistic changes also have been made to various rules and in a few instances, minor substantive revisions have been effected. Each substantive amendment is accompanied by a Rules Committee Note.