Thousands of Oklahoma children are needlessly suffering from mental and addictive disorders, because they have no access to treatment or prevention services. That was the message delivered Thursday, March 5, at “Children’s Mental Health and Substance Abuse Awareness Day at the Capitol,” sponsored by advocacy groups from throughout Oklahoma. Much of the discussion generated at the event was based on data provided in a “State of the State” report by the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services detailing the status of children’s behavioral health in Oklahoma. More

Link to a Copy of the Report

  Leaders throughout our state support Crystal Darkness Oklahoma, a campaign aimed at tackling methamphetamine abuse and the resulting social ills. A 30-minute documentary detailing the tragic consequences of methamphetamine addiction, along with stories of hope and recovery for those accessing appropriate care, aired January 13, 2009 on local television stations and the internet. The program generated more than 750 calls for services and support. Untreated methamphetamine abuse destroys lives, families and communities. To learn more about Crystal Darkness Oklahoma and how you can become involved in your community, visit the links below.

Link to the Crystal Darkness Oklahoma Website

See What Commissioner Terri White Says About Crystal Darkness

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