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Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services

Provides leadership for the planning, development, and oversight of a system of care for children, adults, and families with severe emotional disorders, mental illness, and/or substance abuse issues.

Mental health and substance abuse services are delivered through eight Regional Human Service Centers and the North Dakota State Hospital in Jamestown. Preference in admission to all Regional Human Service Centers will be given to pregnant substance abusers.

See these federal Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration tools to help locate service providers in N.D.

Other Division Information and Resources

Contact Division of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services

Division of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services
North Dakota Department of Human Services
1237 W Divide Ave, Suite 1C
Bismarck, ND 58501-1208
Phone: (701) 328-8920
Toll Free: (800) 755-2719 (ND only)
Fax: (701) 328-8969


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