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CARE Program:

CARE (Credit Abuse Resistance Education)
Student Outreach Program Synopsis


The CARE outreach program began as a project of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of New York and has expanded nationwide.  Its purpose is to provide high school educators easy access to local volunteer professionals who go into schools with a financial literacy program that teaches teens and young adults about the:

Importance of using consumer credit wisely and avoiding credit card debt

Consequences and financial problems that result if they don't

The CARE Program has three components - a presentation, handouts and a web site.

The CARE presentation and handouts provide students insight to tools, tactics, techniques and resources that will help them stay financially healthy and avoid the temptations of overspending and credit abuse.   The presentations are usually delivered during a classroom period and are given by volunteers from the bankruptcy community, all of whom regularly work with people who have severe financial problems.

The CARE web site - - gives students easy access to information that complements the presentation and will help them improve their financial IQ.   The web site is updated frequently and includes financial literacy articles and links to other web sites.