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Sustainable Development Partnerships
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Sustainable Development Partnerships
This website provides information about the U.S. Government's sustainable development partnership efforts to help countries create and implement their own development strategies in areas that include:

  • Poverty reduction;
  • Universal primary education;
  • Access to clean water and sanitation services;
  • Access to energy services;
  • Reducing the spread of infectious diseases;
  • Reducing hunger and promoting agricultural and rural development
  • Conservation and environmental stewardship; and
  • Protecting marine and freshwater resources.

We invite you to consider participating in or creating similar public-private partnerships to promote sustainable development around the world. These partnerships, which combine the resources of governments, international organizations, civil society, academia, and the private sector, are successfully promoting economic growth, social development and environmental stewardship in the developed and developing world. Operating under the Global Development Alliance (GDA) business model, USAID is currently participating in more than three hundred active partnerships. Additional information regarding these partnership efforts may be found on the UN's Commission on Sustainable Development website at

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