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Site Events

05/27/09 - 05/29/09
  • Fifth National SART Training Conference

  • 06/30/09 - 07/01/09
  • 8th Annual Crime Victim Law & Litigation Conference

  • Today's Featured Article
    Fifth National SART Training Conference - SART HOTEL RESERVATIONS DUE BY APRIL 27 E-mail Article To a Friend View Printable Version 
    Friday, October 31 2008 @ 10:00 AM
    Contributed by: adminLM


    May 27 - 29, 2009
    Seattle, Washington


    Click here to go to the SART Conference registration website.

    Click here to view the 2009 SART Conference brochure

    The Sexual Assault Resource Service (SARS) office in Minneapolis, MN is pleased to announce, in conjunction with the Office for Victims of Crime, Department of Justice, that the Fifith National SART Training Conference will be held in May of 2009 at the Westin Seattle in Seattle Washington. Save the dates of May 27 - 29, 2009 for this exciting training conference.

    The focus of the 2009 SART Training Conference will be to continue expanding the capacity of SARTs to promote health and healing of sexual assault victims, hold sex offenders accountable for their crimes, and realize the hope of preventing further sexual violence in their communities.

    All rooms in our SART Conference hotel block at the Westin Seattle without names will be released on April 27. If you have not yet booked your hotel room, it would be wise to book prior to that date. Our government rate will not be available to you after April 27.

    We are very pleased to announce that Congressman Dave Reichert, Washington State United States House of Representatives 8th Congressional District, former King County Sheriff, and author of "Chasing the Devil; My Twenty-Year Quest to Capture the Green River Killer," has agreed to to welcome SART Conference attendees to Seattle.

    Team scholarships of up to $1,400 per team member will be offered in 2009 to a limited number of SART teams comprised of four team members representing four different SART disciplines; law enforcement scholarships of up to $1,400 per officer will also be offered. Applications will be accepted from November 1, 2008 to February 2, 2009. The scholarships are designed to assist participants in covering airfare or POV mileage, hotel, and the Conference Registration Fee.

    Please click on this link to view the 2009 SART Team Scholarship Application: 2009 SART Scholarship Application.

    IACP Law Enforcement Scholarship Forms:
    Click here to view the 2009 IACP Law Enforcement Scholarship Information
    Click here to view the 2009 IACP Law Enforcement Scholarship Application
    Click here to view the 2009 IACP Supervisor Statement of Support form
    You may also choose to visit the IACP website and access the forms from IACP SART Law Enforcement Scholarship

    Interactive Scenario
    We will be repeating the interactive scenario which was well received in 2007. Teams representing four disciplines will be required for participation in this interactive learning format. A limited number of SARTs will work as teams, collecting evidence at the scene of the crime through to testifying at the trial, with training by some of our top trainers.

    Conference Registration Fee
    The SART Conference Registration Fee will be $425.00 if registered on or before March 16, 2009. If registering after that date, the conference fee will be $475.00. The Registration Fee includes participation in six Keynote addresses, eight workshops, entrance to the SART Exhibit Hall, three continental breakfasts, three lunches, and printed conference materials.

    All meetings will be held at the Westin Seattle, where we are holding rooms at the prevailing government per diem rate for 2009. Rates are confirmed at $158 single or double, $188 triple, or $218 quadruple plus the state and local taxes, currently set at 15.6%. Registration for room reservations at our reduced rate is open. Please click on the link for our online registration site. Then, click on the link for Fees & Travel Deals, and then click on the Westin logo to get to the rates. By clicking on the rate based on the number of people in the room, you may reserve your hotel room for the conference.

    Further details about the SART Conference are available on the registration website. Click on this link: SART Conference Registration Website.

    CEU Information
    For information on the CEU's available at the 2009 SART Conference, click here:
    2009 SART Conference Continuing Education Info
    If interested in further information on the Continuing Education credits earned at the Fourth National SART Training Conference held in Tampa in 2007, click on this link: 2007 SART Conference Continuing Education Info

    Direct to SART Conference Services at:
    admin@sartconference.com or SARTconf@comcast.net

    Sexual Assault Resource Service
    Minneapolis, Minnesota

    Funding awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime,
    Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice,
    Grant No. 2006-VF-GX-K002

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    NEW SANE-SART TRAININGS POSTING E-mail Article To a Friend View Printable Version 
    Thursday, March 19 2009 @ 07:46 AM
    Contributed by: adminLM


    This training article was last updated on March 26, 2009.
    Some information was lost in the process. To reinstate a listing, please e-mail pertinent details to the following e-mail address:
    Website Administrator

    SANE-SART Trainings are posted as the information is made available to us.

    Forensic Photography Training
    Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ
    April 28, 2009
    5:30 – 9:00 p.m.
    $75.00 fee includes dinner
    Click here to view the Forensic Photography Training Flyer

    SANE Pediatrics Training
    Duluth, MN
    May 11-15

    Presented by Diana Faugno, RN, MSN, CPN, FAAFS, SANE-A, SANE-P
    Contact Sarah Fries - SANE Program Coordinator
    Phone 218/726-1442
    E-mail fries@pavsa.org Sarah Fries
    Registration Available on Website at http://www.pavsa.org/
    Click on the SANE Training Link at the bottom of the page

    SANE Pediatrics Training
    Shreveport, LA
    May 11 - 15, 2009

    Presented by Debra S. Holbrook, RN, CEN, SANEA, FNE A/P
    Contact: Olivia Jones, RN, BSN, SANE
    Pediatric Clinical Coordinator
    Phone: 318-226-6881
    Click here to view the SANE Pediatric Training Flyer

    SANE-SART Training
    Daytona Beach Police Department, Daytona Beach, FL
    May 11-15, 2009
    Contact: Suzy Williams RN,BS,CFN, SANE-A / P
    Phone: 386-258-1401
    Click here to view the Training Flyer

    NCRLE Sexual Assault Investigator Training for Rural Law Enforcement Officers
    Oskaloosa, Iowa
    May 12 - 14, 2009
    Free training with Continuing Education
    Contact: NCRLE Sara Rudolph-Pollard
    Phone: 1-800-635-6310 extension 8060
    E-mail: Sara Rudolph-Pollard, NCRLE
    Registration Deadline: April 24, 2009
    Click here to view the flyer with further details

    SANE Training
    Stuller Place, Lafayette, LA
    June 8 - 12, 2009
    $400.00 fee
    Click here to view the Stuller Place SANE Training Flyer

    SANE Training
    Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ
    June 8 - 12, 2009
    9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
    $725.00 fee
    Presenter: Eileen Allen MSN, RN, FN-CSA, SANE-A
    Click here to view the Monmouth University SANE Training Flyer

    SANE Training Program
    Iowa City, IA
    June 15 - 19, 2009
    University of Iowa, School of Nursing
    Trainer: Dr. Linda E. Ledray, Ph.D., RN< FAAN
    Contact: Nancy Lathrop
    Fax: (319) 353-5326
    Click here to view the flyer with further details

    Seminar: Specialized Training Services
    The Changing Sex Offender: Critical Issues 2009
    San Diego, CA
    June 15 - 19, 2009
    Town and Country Resort and Convention Center
    500 Hotel Circle North, San Diego, CA 92108
    Trainers: Reid Meloy, Anna Salter, Robert Hugh Farley, and Roy Hazelwood
    Click here to visit their website

    Lancaster County Public Safety, Manheim, PA
    October 13 – 16, 2009
    Continuing education credits pending approval
    Instructor: Diana Faugno, RN, MSN, CPN, FAAFS, SANE-A, SANE-P
    Contact: Kari Stanley at (717) 544-7972
    Website link: Lancaster General Website
    For a flyer on this training, Click here

    If interested in posting a training session here, contact the sane-sart website administrator at: Website Administrator
    Please include details and contact information.

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    8th Annual Crime Victim Law & Litigation Conference E-mail Article To a Friend View Printable Version 
    Wednesday, October 22 2008 @ 08:17 PM
    Contributed by: adminLM

    The Path to Progress

    June 30 - July 1, 2009
    at The Historic Benson Hotel
    in downtown, Portland, Oregon

    The National Crime Victim Law Institute’s annual Crime Victim Law & Litigation Conference promotes enforcement of victims’ rights by helping attorneys and advocates develop skills to effectively assist victims in the criminal justice system. The conference, through funding from the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, will offer education and training in crime victim law and multi-disciplinary approaches to advocating for crime victims’ rights.

    Visit www.ncvli.org/conference.html for more information. Registration will open in early 2009.

    Save the Date v June 30 - July 1, 2009

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    Advocates and Law Enforcement: Oil and Water? E-mail Article To a Friend View Printable Version 
    Thursday, October 02 2008 @ 12:24 AM
    Contributed by: adminLM

    General News

    Please click on this link to view an article reprinted with the permission from SATI e-News: Advocates and Law Enforcement: Oil and Water?

    You are invited you to visit their website at www.mysati.com

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    SANE-SART WEBSITE IMPROVEMENTS E-mail Article To a Friend View Printable Version 
    Sunday, September 21 2008 @ 08:29 PM
    Contributed by: adminLM

    General News
    Thank you for your patience as we moved our website to a new server in an effort to continue providing timely and pertinent information to SANEs and SART teams around the country. The move has now been completed.


    We are continuing to experience a technical difficulty with the SANE data tool that allows our users to upload cases to our website. We have now determined that extensive programming will be required to make the SANE data tool operable. Unfortunately, it will require funding to accomplish this task. The SARS office has applied for a grant to facilitate this. We hope that the national database will be operational again this fall. When the SANE data tool is working properly, we will post it on the website. Thank you again for your patience.

    Until then, we hope that you will catalogue your sexual assault data to enter in the national data base late this fall. If you choose to suspend entering data at this point and just resume entering new cases this fall, we certainly understand. In the mean time, you will continue to have access to the aggregate data entered up to the point when the data was transferred to the new server in May. While the date shown when you pull a report displays the current date, you will see that the total number of cases entered into the database is frozen at 8,388 cases.

    If your agency has loaded over 100 sexual assault cases, your local aggregate data reports will be frozen at the total number of cases entered.

    Once the SANE data tool has been reprogrammed, we hope to revise the form utilized for data entry to make the form more user-friendly as well as incorporating suggestions made as to the type of data you would like to see included.

    Please notify us by e-mail if you have further suggestions for data that you collect that is not currently included on our "Client Data Sheet" and/or on the aggregate data reports. The e-mail address is admin@sartconference.com

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    SANE Programs in all 50 States E-mail Article To a Friend View Printable Version 
    Monday, August 28 2006 @ 02:54 PM
    Contributed by: adminLM

    General News

    With the addition of the Rhode Island program operating out of the Women and Infants Hospital, all fifty U.S. states now have at least one operating SANE program. The Rhode Island SANE program was started by Lu Force, RN, Donna LaFontaine, MD, and Susan Duffy, MD, with significant support from the RI State Attorney General, Patrick Lynch.

    The Rhode Island program began providing service in February of 2006 . They currently have 14 SANE trained nurses performing exams, and they expect to see approximately 100 victims a year.

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    sane-sart.com Gets a New Look E-mail Article To a Friend View Printable Version 
    Friday, January 14 2005 @ 10:45 PM
    Contributed by: Anonymous

    General News
    The Sexual Assault Resource Service is pleased to introduce you to our newly redesigned Web site. Key features of the redesigned site include an expanded Topics menu, site to site interaction with a Forum for each discipline within the SART, access to aggregate data, expanded user input, an opportunity to Vote in the current poll, and a calendar of events (conferences, courses).

    User Functions
    If you have not already done so, please click on New User on the left of your screen to set up your sane-sart.com account. As a sane-sart.com User, you will:
    --have access to all Topics sections
    --have access to aggregate data compiled by SANE programs participating in our Web Team program
    --be able to participate in the Forum specific to your discipline
    --be able to contribute conference/course listings, link suggestions and stories for review and possible posting on this Web site

    After your registration has been processed, you may access the special sections of the Web site by clicking on the Topic of your choice on the upper left of your screen.

    After your registration has been processed, you may access the Forum for your discipline by scrolling to the bottom of this page and clicking on your discipline.

    The Information We Collect
    sane-sart.com maintains high standards for the protection of your privacy at our Web site. After your sane-sart.com account registration has been processed, your contact data will not be sold, rented or shared without your consent. Please see our Web Site Privacy Policy, available in the Topics menu.

      [ Views: 2382 ]  

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     All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective owners.

    This Web site is supported by Grant No. 27-60-I01014 awarded by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration. Initial funding was provided by Grant No. 96-VF-GX-K012 awarded by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office for Victims of Crime. Points of view within this Web site are those of participating writers/researchers and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Department of Justice or the Sexual Assault Resource Service.