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  Size Identifier Title Creator/Author (s) Pub Date
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UCRL-PROC-204652 Applications of X-ray lasers utilizing plasmas that are only a few times ionised Nilsen, J ; Scofield, J H 2004 Jun 09
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UCRL-PROC-213896 Understanding the dramatic role of anomalous dispersion on the measurement of electron densities in plasmas using interferometers Nilsen, J ; Johnson, W R ; Iglesias, C A ; 2005 Jul 20
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UCRL-PROC-220911 Magnetic-Field Sensitive Line Ratios in EUV and Soft X-ray Spectra Beiersdorfer, P ; Scofield, J ; Brown, G V ; 2006 Apr 24
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799 K
UCRL-JC--116926; CONF-940592--6 Hyperfine splittings, prepulse technique, and other new results for collisional excitation neon-like x-ray lasers Nilsen, J. ; Moreno, J.C. ; Koch, J.A. ; 1994 Jun 01
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547 K
UCRL-JC--114568; CONF-9311168--1 Impact of observed hyperfine splitting on X-ray laser gain Nilsen, J. ; Koch, J.A. ; Scofield, J.H. ; 1993 Nov 01
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611 K
UCRL-JC--116080; CONF-931237--6 Progress in understanding and improving X-ray lasers Nilsen, J. ; Moreno, J.C. ; Koch, J.A. ; 1994 Jan 11
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UCRL-CONF-206600 Measurement of Electron Impact Collisional Excitation Cross Sections of Ni to Ga-Like Gold May, M ; Beiersdorfer, P ; Jordan, N ; 2004 Aug 24
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UCRL-JC-134916 High-Resolution Measurements of the K-Shell Spectral Lines of Hydrogenlike and Heliumlike Xenon Windman, K. ; Beiersdorfer, P. ; Brown, G.V. ; 1999 Sep 13
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UCRL-PROC-220791 Electron Impact Excitation Cross Section Measurement for n=3 to n=2 Line Emission in Fe17+ to Fe23+ Chen, H ; Beiersdorfer, P ; Brown, G V ; 2006 Apr 20
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1 Mb
UCRL-JC-105032; CONF-9009266--8 Short wavelength nickel-like x-ray laser development MacGowan, B.J. ; Da Silva, L.B. ; Fields, D.J. ; 1991 Jan 07
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UCRL-PROC-204078 Measuring the ionization balance of gold in a low-density plasma of importance to ICF May, M ; Beiersdorfer, P ; Schneider, M ; 2004 May 03
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UCRL-CONF-209097 Laboratory studies of X-ray emission from Fe L-shell transitions and their diagnostic utility Brown, G V ; Beiersdorfer, P ; Chen, H ; 2005 Jan 07
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UCRL-PROC-220995 Laboratory measurements of the x-ray line emission from neon-like Fe XVII Brown, G V ; Beiersdorfer, P ; Chen, H ; 2006 Apr 28
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UCRL-JC-148356 New Insights into the X-Ray Spectra of Heliumlike and Neonlike Ions Beiersdorfer, P ; Chen, H ; Hey, D ; 2002 Apr 11
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928 K
UCRL-JC-107742; CONF-9108105--3 Dielectronic recombination measurements of highly-charged heliumlike and neonlike ions using an electron beam ion trap Schneider, M.B. ; Knapp, D.A. ; Beiersdorfer, P. ; 1991 Jan 01
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