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Title Spectral catalogue of the intermediate ionization states of iron in the extreme ultraviolet
Creator/Author Beiersdorfer, P. ; Utter, S.B. ; Brown, G.V. [and others]
Publication Date1998 May 13
OSTI IdentifierOSTI ID: 292257; Legacy ID: DE98057716
Report Number(s)UCRL-JC--130832; CONF-980439--
DOE Contract NumberW-7405-ENG-48
Other Number(s)Other: ON: DE98057716; BR: DP0102012
Resource TypeConference
Resource RelationConference: NASA laboratory space science workshop, Cambridge, MA (United States), 1-3 Apr 1998; Other Information: PBD: 13 May 1998
Research OrgLawrence Livermore National Lab., CA (United States)
Sponsoring OrgUSDOE, Washington, DC (United States)
Description/AbstractUsing precisely controlled laboratory conditions we have begun to establish a spectral catalogue of the intermediate ionization states of iron, Fe IX - Fe XXIV, in the extreme ultraviolet. The measurements are being performed in support of the development of reliable modeling codes for the analysis of data from the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer and future space astrophysics missions sensitive to extreme ultraviolet radiation. They aim to resolve the controversies surrounding the short-wavelength spectra of stellar coronae. Preliminary measurements showing the wealth of iron lines in the 50-120 {Angstrom} region are presented.
Country of PublicationUnited States
FormatMedium: ED; Size: 7 p.; Other: FDE: PDF; PL:
Availability OSTI as DE98057716
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System Entry Date2008 Feb 04
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