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CVM Update


November 1, 1999


Fluoroquinolones, such as enrofloxacin and sarafloxacin, are antimicrobial drugs approved for the control of early mortality in growing turkeys and broiler chickens. However, these drugs are not approved for use in laying hens. Failure to observe the label directions for these drugs and unintentional contamination of feed for laying hens could cause violative residues in eggs for human consumption. In recent years, the public has become more concerned about the emergence of strains of bacteria resistant to fluoroquinolones, as these drugs are increasingly used in treatment of human bacterial diseases.

The Office of Research in FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) has recently conducted a radio-tracer study on sarafloxacin. The findings indicate that residues are transferred into eggs, and that residues stay in the egg yolk for a longer time than in egg albumen. CVM's Office of Research (OR) has developed an analytical method for quantifying and monitoring sarafloxacin residues in eggs. Currently, the OR is expanding the single-analyte method to include two other fluoroquinolones, namely ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin. Once the development of the multi-residue method is completed, CVM plans to conduct a national survey for fluoroquinolones in table eggs.

Issued by:
FDA, Center for Veterinary Medicine,
Communications Staff, HFV-12
7519 Standish Place, Rockville, MD 20855
Telephone: (240) 276-9300 FAX: (240) 276-9115
Internet Web Site:

horizonal rule