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Solicitation for Grant Applications (SGA) 1998


Grants Awarded

Youth Offender Demonstration Project (SGA/DAA 98-015)

The U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration is authorized to award grants to provide services aimed at youth who are or have been under criminal justice supervision or involved in gangs. The Department of Labor (DOL) has worked with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) in the Department of Justice (DOJ) in deciding to use these funds for three categories of projects to serve youth offenders. They are,
I. Model Community Projects;
II. Education and Training for Youth Offenders Initiatives; and
III. Community-Wide Coordination Projects.
Issue Date:          September 2, 1998
Closing Date:     December 1, 1998

Press Release - Grants Awarded

Opportunity Areas For Out-Of-School Youth Pilot Demonstration (SGA/DAA 98-016)

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Employment and Training Administration (ETA), announces a pilot demonstration as authorized under Title IV Part D of The Job Training Partnership Act, to increase the long-term employment of youth living in high-poverty areas. This notice provides information on the process that eligible entities must use to apply for these demonstration funds and how grantees will be selected. It is anticipated that up to $12.5 million will be available for funding demonstration projects covered by this solicitation, with each award being approximately $2.25 million.
Issue Date:          September 8, 1998
Closing Date:     December 7, 1998

Press Release - Grants Awarded

School-to-Work Intermediary Projects

The Departments of Labor and Education jointly invite proposals for a new award in FY 98, as authorized under section 403 of the School-to-Work Opportunities Act of 1994 (the Act). The Departments believe that the long term effectiveness of STW partnerships is enhanced when there are convenient and effective mechanisms for connecting school based learning and work based learning, as well as mechanisms for connecting the various STW stakeholders, particularly schools and employers. Further, the Departments believe that the capability of STW systems to be sustained beyond the life of the Act will be influenced by the identification, evaluation, and replication of intermediary entities that would serve as agents to connect schools, employers and other community stakeholders.
Issue Date:          June 24, 1998
Closing Date:    August 10, 1998

School-to-Work Opportunities Act: Employer Technical Support Coordination (SGA/DAA 98-005)

The Departments of Labor and Education jointly are accepting proposals for a new award in FY 97, as authorized under section 403 of the School-to-Work Opportunities Act of 1994 (the Act). This award will provide for coordination of the overall effort to engage employers in STW activities, the identification and collaboration with national business leaders to advocate for and promote the visibility of business participating in STW, the provision of technical assistance to business leaders, the dissemination of products and information related to employer participation in STW, and the marketing and dissemination of research findings related to employer participation in STW.
Issue Date:         May 18, 1998
Closing Date:     July 2, 1998

Press Release - Grants Awarded

Welfare-to-Work Competitive Grants (Round 2)

This announcement describes the conditions under which applications will be received under the second round of the Welfare-to-Work (WtW) Competitive Grants Program and how DOL/ETA will determine which applications it will fund. The WtW program assists States and local communities to provide the transitional employment assistance needed to move hard-to-employ recipients of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) into lasting unsubsidized jobs.
Issue Date:          April 15, 1998
Closing Date:     July 14, 1998

External Systems Building (SGA/DAA 98-012)

This solicitation announces the availability of funds for State Apprenticeship Agencies and/or organizations that represent them (i.e., stakeholders, partners) to participate in enhancing the National Apprenticeship System.
Issue Date:          April 27, 1998
Closing Date:     May 29, 1998 at 2:00 p.m.

Systematic Approach-Profile\Referral Welfare Participants (SGA/DAA 98-010)

This solicitation announces the availability of funds for demonstration projects to provide additional testing of a profiling process whereby State and local officials can allocate reemployment and training services under the major requirements of the new legislation, the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996.
Issue Date:          April 27, 1998
Closing Date:     May 28, 1998 at 2:00 p.m.

Job Training Program Act Title III Disability Grant Program (SGA/DAA 98-007)

This solicitation announces the availability of approximately $4.17 million to award competitive grants for multi-state employment and training projects serving people with disabilities.
Issue Date:          March 30, 1998
Closing Date:     May 14, 1998 at 2:00 p.m.

Dislocated Worker Technology Demonstration Program (SGA/DAA 98-006)

This Solicitation invites proposals to train unemployed workers in skills necessary to obtain work in jobs that will involve the application of advanced technology, where employer demand exceeds the supply of skilled workers. The demonstration projects will require strong linkages with employers to identify specific worker skills and competencies to be realized through training, and to provide ready access to specific jobs when participants are ready for placement.
Issue Date:          March 18, 1998
Closing Date:     April 30, 1998 at 2:00 p.m.

Grants Awarded
Press Release

School-to-Work Opportunities Act: Building the Capacity of Employers (SGA/DAA 98-003)

The Departments of Labor and Education jointly invite proposals for approximately 3 - 5 new awards in FY 1998, as authorized under section 403 of the School-to-Work Opportunities Act of 1994. These awards will provide support to industry groups and trade associations to undertake outreach, technical assistance, and other activities to engage and to build the capacity of employers to participate in STW systems.
Issue Date:          December 10, 1997
Closing Date:     February 23, 1998

Amended:      January 16, 1998
Amendment Document

Labor Organization Adjustment Assistance (SGA/DAA 98-001)

Announcing a demonstration program to test the ability of labor organizations to develop innovative approaches for providing accelerated skills development and/or enhancement of job skills for transitioning to new or related occupational job opportunities.
Issue Date:          October 31, 1997
Closing Date:     January 7, 1998 at 2:00 p.m. EST.

Amended:      November 4, 1997.
Amendment Document
Grants Awarded

Created: January 22, 2009