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CVM Update


February 16, 2001


FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) now has available Fax-on-Demand technology by FaxBack. The FaxBack technology will permit interested individuals who do not have access to a computer and an Internet provider with the ability to obtain some of the documents already available on the CVM Home Page. Only a standard touch-tone telephone and access to a fax machine are required to receive CVM documents.

The procedure is simple, however it may require two phone calls -- the first to request one of four current catalogs or lists of documents and their reference numbers, and the second to request a document by entering the reference number. The individual enters the number of the fax machine to receive the document and provides a phone number to identify the requestor.

The CVM system will include more catalogs in the near future and new documents will be added to the various catalogs as they are produced. Some existing documents will also be added. Currently the four available catalogs are: UPDATES, Forms, Consumer Information, and the FDA VETERINARIAN.

To obtain a document, for example a CVM UPDATE, the following procedure must be followed:

  1. Dial 301-827-6635 or 6636

  2. Follow the prompts to receive an UPDATES catalog

  3. After receiving the catalog and selecting the document of interest

  4. Dial 301-827-6635 or 6636 again

  5. Follow the prompts to enter the reference number of the document(s) desired

  6. Enter the number of the fax machine to receive the document(s)

  7. Enter a phone number to identify the requestor 8. Wait for the fax to be received

If a document from a different catalog is desired, the two-call procedure must be repeated.

Questions about CVM's FAXBACK system may be directed to Daryl Fleming, Communications Staff, FDA/Center for Veterinary Medicine, 7500 Standish Place, HFV-12, Rockville, MD 20855, Telephone: 301-827-0185, Fax: 301-594-1831.

Issued by:
FDA, Center for Veterinary Medicine,
Communications Staff, HFV-12
7519 Standish Place, Rockville, MD 20855
Telephone: (240) 276-9300 FAX: (240) 276-9115
Internet Web Site:

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