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HHS EA Program Working Groups

The following working groups are part of the HHS Enterprise Architecture (EA).

HHS Enterprise Architecture Review Board (EARB)

The HHS Enterprise Architecture Review Board (EARB) is an expert decision-making body that works in consultation with the HHS Chief Enterprise Architect (CEA) to provide standards, configuration management, and oversight for the HHS EA in establishing an integrated EA consistent with the overall HHS mission, goals and objectives.

The EARB serves as a forum to facilitate input and information exchange among the HHS Operating Divisions (OPDIVs) and Staff Divisions (STAFFDIVs) associated with the Department’s Information Technology (IT) enterprise architecture.  The EARB is responsible for assessing the existing and target architectures as well as providing guidance in resolving cross-cutting architecture issues and problems within their OPDIVs and across HHS.  The EARB reviews Departmental IT Investments for EA compliance and alignment.  The EARB is committed to reflecting, promoting, and incorporating the HHS EA, the Federal Health Architecture (FHA) initiatives, and the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) reference models throughout each of its OPDIVs.

The EARB serves as the OPDIV and STAFFDIV contact for HHS EA updates and dissemination of initiatives and activities.  The EARB is authorized to meet, review, render opinions, and establish committees and working groups.

HHS EA Model Working Group (MWG)

The MWG provides stewardship of the HHS EA Framework, and manages the coordination and integration of HHS and HHS OPDIV/STAFFDIV EA Frameworks. The HHS EA Program operates as a Federated EA Model. The MWG enables the Federated program to ensure consistency and scalability of the HHS EA, and meet the evolving needs of both the HHS EA Program and the OPDIV and STAFFDIV EA Programs. The MWG convenes as needed to review, approve, and coordinate updates to the current and planned near term HHS EA Frameworks.

HHS Data Architecture Working Group (DAWG)

The DAWG is a standing working committee and advisory organization acting within authorities and tasks delegated to it from the HHS EARB or as directed by the HHS Chief Enterprise Architect (CEA).  The DAWG partners with the HHS Data Council and other entities as needed to enable enterprise-wide consistency of data-related activities. The primary mission of the DAWG is to assist and advise the HHS CEA as a subcommittee of the HHS EARB in refining and maturing the HHS Enterprise Data Architecture. The DAWG convenes as needed to refine and mature the HHS Enterprise Data Architecture so that it facilitates data sharing, promotes departmental efficiency with regard to HHS data assets, and facilitates sound enterprise data management practices.