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E-Gov PMA Quarterly Score

The President’s Management Agenda Scorecard tracks how well departments and major agencies are executing the five government-wide management initiatives. The initiatives are: Human Capital, Competitive Sourcing, Improving Financial Performance, E-Gov, and Budget & Performance Integration. The Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) is responsible for the E-Gov initiative.

The scorecard uses a three color grading system; green for success, yellow for mixed results, and red for unsatisfactory. Agencies and departments are assessed quarterly and given a color grade for both status and progress. More information about the President’s Management Agenda Scorecard including quarterly scorecards for all agencies can be found on the ( web site. (This link no longer functions.) OMB’s score for HHS on the E-Gov initiative can be found on the scorecard web page (The White House). (This link no longer functions.)