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U.S. Department of Labor
Employment & Training Administration

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Contracts for 1999

Contract Application Forms and Instructions

Download the Required Forms for the RFP (.pdf format).

Job Corps Counseling and Support Services (RFP/DCS 99-45)

The purpose of this project is to provide educational and occupational skills training and support services at one hundred nineteen (119) campuses across the country, including Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. The unique combination of services provided in Job Corps is intended to better prepare youth to obtain and hold gainful employment, pursue further education or training, or satisfy entrance requirements for careers in the Armed Forces.
Issue Date: October 1, 1999
Closing Date: November 5, 1999 at 2:00 p.m. local time

Extended closing date is November 19, 1999 per amendment
Table 3 : Annual Number of Terminating Male Students by Region
Table 4: Current Centers with Contract Support Staff
Notice to Offerors
Amendment 1

Job Corps Health Support  (RFP/DCS 99-60)

The Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration is soliciting proposals to select a contractor to assist the Office of Job Corps in fulfilling its planning and oversight responsibilities for the Job Corps Health Program.
Issue Date: September 24, 1999
Closing Date: October 29, 1999 at 2:00 p.m. local time

Extended closing date is November 12, 1999 per amendment
Notice to Offerors
Amendment 1

A Study of the Impacts of a Targeted Harmonized Wage Code on UI Revenues and Benefits (RFP/DCS 99-46)

The purpose of this solicitation is to select a contractor to conduct research on the IMPACTS OF TARGETED HARMONIZED WAGE CODE (THWC) ON UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE (UI) REVENUES AND BENEFITS. The Harmonized Wage Code (HWC) Project is an effort to reduce the employer and Government burden by developing simplified employer tax requirements.
Issue Date:          June 22, 1999
Closing Date:     July 23, 1999 at 2:00 p.m. local time

Amendment 1

Job Corps Property Management Support (RFP/DCS 99-34)

The U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (DOL/ETA) is soliciting proposals to obtain the services of a contractor to provide on-going property management support to Job Corps Regional Offices and Job Corps Centers using the Electronic Property Management System (EPMS) inventory tracking system.
Issue Date: May 12, 1999
Closing Date: July 7, 1999 at 2:00 p.m. local time

Extended closing date is July 21, 1999, 2:00 p.m. local time per amendment
Amendment 1
Amendment 2

Evaluation of WIA Implementation   (RFP/DCS 99-38)

The purpose of this solicitation is to conduct and process an evaluation of the implementation of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998. The study will assess the early experience of states implementing WIA, including those states that opt to implement before July 1, 2000. It will also track and report to a wide audience the progress that states and locals are making in adopting and operationalizing key WIA principles and help develop national and regional technical assistance and training strategy. Impediments to key organizational, administrative and operational change will be identified and addressed on an ongoing basis through an early warning system linked to regionally managed technical assistance activities. Effective state and local implementation strategies will be identified and incorporated into national and regional office capacity-building and training efforts.
Issue Date: Mar 30, 1999
Closing Date:     May 3, 1999 at 2:00 p.m. local time

Amendment 1

Technical and Management Assistance Services (RFP/DCS 99-27)

The purpose of this project is to competitively select a Panel of Experts on one-stop system building, quality practices, and customer service. Products and services under this project will include a broad range of subjects, including expert technical assistance and training, research and analysis of data and information, technical report writing, strategic planning, design and delivery of workshops/presentations, and logistical support. Only individuals or small businesses will be considered for certification.
Issue Date: Mar 26, 1999
Closing Date: May 3, 1999 at 2:00 p.m. local time

Extended closing date is May 10, 1999 per amendment
Forms special to this contract:
    J.6 Past Performance Questionnaire
    J.8 Loaded Hourly Labor Rate Chart
Amendment 1

Evaluation of the Individual Training Account Demonstration   (RFP/DCS 99-28)

The purpose of this project is to provide the research assistance needed to design, test, and evaluate the Individual Training Account Demonstration. The purpose of the demonstration is to build and test new approaches for program operations and payment mechanisms necessary to implement individual training accounts under the Workforce Investment Act of 1998.
Issue Date:          Mar 23, 1999
Closing Date:     Apr 29, 1999 at 2:00 p.m. local time
Amendment 1

Youth Opportunity Area Demonstration (RFP/DCS 99-33)

The U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (DOL/ETA) is soliciting proposals to continue and complete specific evaluation activities in eleven "neighborhoods" that compose the YOUTH OPPORTUNITY AREA DEMONSTRATION. Each Opportunity Area consists of an identified target area within a designated empowerment zone (EZ) or enterprise community (EC) with a population of between 10,000 and 20,000 persons and poverty rate in the 1990 Census that is among the highest in the EZ/EC.
Issue Date: Mar 23, 1999
Closing Date: Apr 27, 1999 at 2:00 p.m. local time
Extended closing date is April 30, 1999 per amendment
Amendment 1
Amendment Attachment A: Youth Survey
Amendment 2

Technical Assistance to O*NET  (RFP/DCS 99-24)

The purpose of this solicitation is to select a contractor to provide technical assistance for the continued technical advancement and enrichment of the Occupational Information Network,(O*NET) and to facilitate the implementation of best practices using O*NET in the workforce investment community. The goal is to establish O*NET throughout the United States as a viable, operational tool linking our education, training and employment communities together through the use of a common occupational language and system called O*NET.
Issue Date:          Mar 11, 1999
Closing Date:     Apr 23, 1999 at 2:00 p.m. local time
Amendment Cover Letter
Amendment Document

Job Corps Learning Technology (LT) Strategic Planning  (RFP/DAA 99-22)

The Department of Labor is soliciting proposals to develop policies and practices that will maximize Job Corps centers utilization of Learning Technology. This field will require well-informed planning that can 1) optimize hardware and software purchases; 2) provide systematic piloting of media ; and 3) conduct teacher training appropriate for Job Corps shops and classrooms.
Issue Date:          Mar 10, 1999
Closing Date:     Apr 16, 1999 at 2:00 p.m. local time

Extended closing date is May 14, 1999 per amendment
Amendment Document 1
Amendment Document 2
Attachment 1      Attachment 2      Attachment 3      Bidders List

Workload Validation/Data Validation Transition (RFP/DAA 99-11)

The purpose of this project is to provide technical support to the Department of Labor and to individual State Employment Security Agencies during the period of transition between the Workload Validation and Data Validation programs for Validating Unemployment Compensation Data.
Issue Date: Jan 11, 1999
Closing Date: Feb 16, 1999 at 2:00 p.m. local time
Amendment Document


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