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GES DISC DAAC News Archive
03.30.09 - New animation shows movement of Mount Redoubt sulfur dioxide clouds
A new animation showing sulfur dioxide (SO2) clouds generated by the March 22, 26, and 27 explosions of Mount Redoubt has been added to the earlier news item. This animation uses a specialized AIRS data product that can detect atmospheric SO2. Follow the 'Read More' link to see it.
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03.27.09 - More journal publications using Giovanni
Citations to more journal papers which utilized Giovanni's analysis and visualization capabilities have been added to the 2008 and 2009 lists of publications. The papers are Borges et al. 2008, Kamykowski 2008, Perry et al. 2008, and Immerzeel et al. 2009.
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03.26.09 - Merged IR animations of March 1st East Coast snowstorm
The GES DISC Hurricane Data Analysis Tool can view many other types of weather events than hurricanes. The tool was used to create animated images of the strong late winter snowstorm which affected the U.S. East Coast on March 1-2, 2009.
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03.26.09 - AIRS Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Data Product detects Mount Redoubt Eruption Cloud
The Atmospheric InfraRed Sensor on the Aqua satellite detected the sulfur dioxide cloud from the eruption of Mount Redoubt in Alaska on March 22. The WMS/OGC server provides data which show the movement of the eruption cloud in the atmosphere. Mount Redoubt erupted again on March 26.
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02.26.09 - GES DISC On the Agenda at Environmental Protection Agency Air Quality Conference
The Goddard Earth Sciences DISC will have a featured presence at the 2009 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Air Quality Conference, taking place March 2-5, in Addison, Texas (north of Dallas). Giovanni and air quality-related data will be featured in a workshop and presentation.
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02.23.09 - Merged IR data animation of February 10 tornado-spawning Oklahoma storms
The Hurricane Data Analysis Tool provided an impressive view of a tornado-spawning storm event over Oklahoma and Texas on February 10, 2009.
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02.19.09 - MODIS-Aqua Collection 5.1 Data now available in Giovanni
MODIS-Aqua Collection 5.1 data is now being received into the Giovanni system as it is being delivered from the data provider (MODAPS). There may still be a few data gaps as this process continues until all of the data has been delivered.
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02.09.09 - Giovanni provides unique perspective on Sudden Stratospheric Warming with AIRS data
AIRS data in Giovanni provides a unique view of the occurrence of a Sudden Stratospheric Warming event commencing in mid-January 2009. The effects of this event are still being analyzed and evaluated by meteorologists and atmospheric scientists.
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02.04.09 - Giovanni awaits MODIS-Aqua Collection 5.1 data
MODIS-Aqua data in the MOVAS daily and monthly instances currently ends on 12/31/08. The reason for this cessation is that the new data version, Collection 5.1, is now being produced for MODIS-Aqua. This data will soon be available in Giovanni.
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01.07.09 - Short Course on MERRA at the American Meteorological Society Meeting
At the Annual AMS Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, GMAO Staff along with GES DISC staff are giving a one-day short course on January 11 entitled "the Modern Era Retrospective-analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) data and accessibility".
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