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GES DISC DAAC News Archive
11.13.07 - GES DISC participation in the AGU Fall 2007 Meeting in San Francisco
The GES DISC will participate in the AGU Fall 2007 Meeting in San Francisco, December 10-14, including 17 papers highlighting recent developments in the Hydrology, AIRS, Giovanni, and Hurricane portals, as well as the A-Train Data Depot, Atmospheric Composition DISC, and other projects.
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10.30.07 - AMSU-A Channel 4 Radiometric Noise (NeDT) Increase
The radiometric noise, NeDT, in AMSU channel 4 has recently increased significantly. At launch it was 0.12 K. Beginning in late September 2007, the rate of increase accelerated so that by the end of October the NeDT is near 1 K...
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10.26.07 - Announcement for the AIRS Version 5 Near-Real Time (NRT) Data
NRT data products are currently available for Level-1B and Level-2, and are specially useful for users whose primary interest is the low latency.
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10.17.07 - OMI Level 1B Radiance Products Version 3 Public Release
The version 3 OMI Level 1B Radiance Products 'OML1BRUG', 'OML1BRUZ', 'OML1BRVG', 'OML1BRVZ' and 'OML1BIRR' are now available. For more information about these data products please see the link below.
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10.10.07 - New data added to the TRMM-QuikScat Analysis Tool!
The online tool allows users to visualize and analyze NASA's daily QuikSCAT ocean surface wind, TRMM precipitation and TRMM TMI sea surface temperature data. Data from January 1, 1998 through August 31, 2007 is now available.
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10.05.07 - New Imagery in Google Earth Portal
A new GES DISC portal devoted to our NASA imagery in Google Earth has debuted. Here you will find sample KML/KMZ files ready for import into Google Earth.
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10.05.07 - New monthly GLDAS products and Mirador service now available from HDISC
Monthly averaged products from the Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) are now available from the Hydrology DISC (HDISC). Both 3-hourly and monthly products can now also be searched for and downloaded with the Mirador service.
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09.24.07 - Hurricane Dean and Felix available in the archive.
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09.20.07 - New version of S4PM 5.24.0 available on SourceForge
The Simple, Scalable, Script-Based, Science Processor for Measurements (S4PM) version 5.24.0 is now available to the open source community from SourceForge. Click the link to view the release notes.
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09.18.07 - Hurricanes Dean, Felix and Humberto now available in the Hurricane Viewer!
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  • Last updated: November 16, 2007 12:19:06 UTC