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GES DISC DAAC News Archive
01.08.08 - Create wind speed plots in the Hurricane Portal!
User's can now create wind speed plots, along with wind vectors, using the TRMM-QuikSCAT analysis tool!
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12.21.07 - Aura Spacecraft Anomaly
The Aura spacecraft has experienced an anomaly causing some housekeeping data not to be transmitted. As a result, Aura Level 1 and 2 data from Dec. 8, 2007 have not been processed. A temporary workaround is currently being implemented. The earliest resumption of data processing is expected to t...
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12.21.07 - AMSU-A Channel 4 NeDT Update (#1)
AMSU-A Channel 4 NeDT continues to degrade, reaching 3K by the beginning of December, 2007. The condition is now significantly impacting the yield of the operational version 5 AMSU+AIRS retrieval products. Please the the PDF file for full text. [ALso see 2007-10-30 posting]
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12.07.07 - Aqua DPREP Ephemeris and Attitude Data Interruption (update)
Early this past Sunday (December 2, 2007; Day 336), circumstances both onboard the spacecraft and at the EOS Operations Center led to corruption of the memory partition that holds the ground-based attitude determination (GBAD) data in the Aqua spacecraft's solid state recorder (SSR). GBAD data ...
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12.04.07 - NEESPI paper published in special issue of Environmental Research Letters
An article on the NASA NEESPI Data and Services Center has been published online in Environmental Research Letters, and is available at http://stacks.iop.org/1748-9326/2/045009. The publication will appear in Environ. Res. Lett. 2 (2007) 045009
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11.30.07 - HDISC/GLDAS at Fall AGU!
Going to AGU this month? Visit our poster session on HDISC support for GLDAS products and check out the range of GLDAS parameters.
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11.30.07 - Aura Project given approval to move closer to other A-Train platforms
The ESMO project informs that the A-Train Principals consider a plan to decrease the Aura satellite�s along track separation from Aqua and the other A-Train missions.
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11.30.07 - The CALIPSO pitch angle change (from 0.3 degrees to 3.0 degrees)
The CALIPSO and CloudSat projects inform about CALIPSO pitch angle change (from 0.3 degrees to 3.0 degrees)
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11.29.07 - GES DISC Interdisciplinary Portal removal
The GES DISC Interdisciplinary Portal has been decommissioned and is no longer available. Relevant data sets and content will be available elsewhere on our Website.
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11.20.07 - HIRDLS Version 003 Atmospheric Products Now Released
The version 3 of level 2 HIRDLS Product 'HIRDLS2 version 2.04.09)' is now available. At this time, Temperature, O3, HNO3 and Cloud top pressure are only available. For more information please see the link below.
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  • Last updated: November 16, 2007 12:19:06 UTC