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Ocean Color

News & Events

July 2005:

Data set intercomparison capability for SeaWiFS and MODIS-Aqua ocean data products, and anomaly analysis capability for SeaWiFS data products, have been added to Giovanni-Oceans.

February 2006:

A poster on anomalies in the North Atlantic Bloom investigated with Giovanni was presented at the American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii.

March 2006:

Search-and-order capability interfaced with the Ocean Biology Processing Group (OBPG) archive browsing system was added to Ocean Color Giovanni for SeaWiFS data.

MODIS-Aqua 11 micron monthly sea surface temperature (SST) data was added to Giovanni.

April 2006:

Ocean Color Giovanni was demonstrated at the Ocean Color Research Team meeting in Newport, Rhode Island.

May 2006:

MODIS-Aqua SST data -- nighttime, 4 and 11 micron -- were added to the Giovanni OPS system.

The poster "Observing Increased Chlorophyll-a in Storm Wakes for the 2005 Atlantic Hurricane Season Using 8-Day Data Products in Giovanni" (Suhung Shen, James Acker, Greg Leptoukh, Hualan Rui, Steve Berrick, and Steve Kempler) was presented at the AGU Joint Assembly in Baltimore, MD.

July 2006:

A presentation was given at the National Marine Educators Association Conference on Monday, July 17 entitled   "Giovanni and LOCUS:   Innovative Ways for Teachers and Students to Conduct Online Learning and Research with Oceanographic Remote Sensing Data".

The presentation "Seasonal Variation of Chlorophyll-a at Luzon Strait and South China Sea" was given at the Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting in Beijing, China, on July 25. This presentation
highlighted the use of Giovanni and SeaWiFS 8-day data.

September 2006:

The SeaWiFS 8-day data interface in Giovanni was enhanced with the subset ordering interface to the OBPG data browser (allowing data orders for Level 1A and 2 subsetted data), and the
ASCII output option.

Monthly output fields from the NASA Ocean Biogeochemical Model (NOBM) were added to ocean color Giovanni. NOBM features total assimilated chlorophyll, four phytoplankton functional groups,
nitrate concentrations, and mixed layer depth.

October 2006:

The poster "Use of Giovanni and Ocean Color Time-Series Project Data for Trend Detection in the Coastal Zone" was presented at Ocean Optics XVIII in Montreal, Canada.  

November 2006:

Daily NOBM data were added to Ocean Color Giovanni.

A tutorial describing statistical analysis on time-series using Giovanni ASCII text output and an Excel spreadsheet was added to the LOCUS Web site.

December 2006:

A tutorial on the daily NOBM data was added to the LOCUS Web site.

The Laboratory for Ocean Color Users (LOCUS) was named the Teacher's Top Pick for December on the Bridge online oceanographic educational resources Web site.

January 2007:

The poster "Utilizing Giovanni to Examine Patterns and Trends in the Coastal Gulf of Mexico" was presented at the Gulf of Mexico Alliance (GOMA) Nutrients workshop, held in Gulf Breeze, Florida.

February 2007:

Miidshipmen in a remote-sensing class at the U.S. Naval Academy received a demonstration on Giovanni, and will utilize it for a class research project later in the semester.

March 2007:

The presentation "Giovanni Facilitates Investigations of Coastal Environmental Processes with NASA Remote-Sensing Data" was given at the NOAA Coastal Services Center Coastal GeoTools '07 meeting in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

April 2007:

A new tutorial, "A Very Cold Warm-Core Eddy in the Southern Ocean" was added to the Ocean Color Science Focus! series. Naval Academy midshipmen presented their research results from Giovanni, and their work will be summarized on the Laboratory of Ocean Color Users Web site during the summer.

June 2007:

The MODIS sea surface temperature (SST) data products which have been previously archived at the Goddard Earth Sciences Distributed Active Archive Center have now been replaced with reprocessed SST data products available from the Ocean Biology Processing Group (OBPG), The reprocessed MODIS SST data products represent a significant improvement in data quality over the previous product. As of June 14th, GES DAAC will no longer have previous versions of MODIS SST data available for distribution. Inquiries about data quality and data availability should now be directed to the OBPG.

"Exploiting the Capabilities of NASA's Giovanni System for Oceanographic Education" was given as a keynote presentation for the Education and Training session at the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL) 2007 Annual Symposium. At the subsequent EARSeL Coastal Zone Workshop, the poster "Application of NASA Giovanni to Coastal Zone Remote Sensing Research" was presented. This poster highlighted a multi-parameter analysis of the Mediterranean Sea, including interesting features observed in the GSM backscatter coefficient and dissolved/detrital absorption coefficient.

Note that the GES DISC Forum system is no longer available. Giovanni ocean color questions, and general questions, can be sent directly to the GES DISC Help email address.

July 2007:

Ocean Color Giovanni will be presented to teachers participating in the Maury Project at the U.S. Naval Academy on July 14.

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  • Last updated: June 19, 2007 19:56:07 GMT