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FOIA Submission Options

You have several ways to submit your FOIA request for records in the possession of EPA's Region 3 office (for the states of Pennsylvania, Virginia,West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and the District of Columbia):

Option 1: On-line Form
You will receive a confirmation copy of the completed form via e-mail.

Option 2: E-Mail: r3foia@epa.gov

Option 3: Facsimile: (215) 814-5102

Option 4: Mail via Postal Service to:
Freedom of Information Officer
U.S. EPA Region 3 (3CG00)
1650 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2029

If you elect to use the on-line form, facsimile, or e-mail, please do not mail a follow-up letter. Please direct any questions to the Region 3 Freedom of Information Office at (215) 814-5553.

Further Instructions

On October 2, 1997, the FOIA Amendments of 1996 went into affect. A key change for Region 3 and all Executive Branch agencies is that the base response time will be adjusted from 10 to 20 business days. Automatic extensions will no longer be available.

In your FOIA request, please provide the full and complete name(s) of the facility(ies) you are inquiring about, the complete address(es), and a specific statement regarding which documents you wish to receive. Since many facilities are regulated under more than one Federal environmental law, please indicate the program or programs from which you desire to request records. If you need database lists for a ZIP code area, please include the state and the needed databases. Please also indicate whether you would like these lists as a printout or on a diskette.

Please note that a great deal of EPA information is already available to the public without the need of a FOIA request. We therefore encourage you to consider the following options prior to submitting a FOIA request. This can save you both time and money.

There are many documents and databases available on the World Wide Web and more becoming available at EPA's public-access server. This server links to other servers with even more EPA information. There are also websites with information about FOIA:

EPA Region 3 Guide to Information on the Web
EPA Headquarters FOIA Information
Region 3 Home Page

The Region 3 Public Information Center (PIC) maintains numerous publications, brochures, and other printed material for general distribution to the public. The office may be telephoned at (215) 814-5663.

The Region 3 Customer Service Hotline is answered by staff trained to respond to general information inquiries concerning the environment. Basic questions concerning clean air, clean water, lead, radon, asbestos and indoor air quality should be directed to this office. The Customer Service Hotline telephone number is 1-800-438-2474.

The Region 3 Library has a collection of published and research material concerning environmental topics. If you would like more information about these materials, please contact the library at (215) 814-5254.

FOIA E-Mail Form

CAUTION: Any information you submit is not secure, and could be observed by a third party.


Your Name
Your Company Name
Your Mailing Address
Your City
Your State
Your ZIP Code
Your E-Mail Address
Your Daytime Phone Number


Please be as specific as possible in regard to the information you are seeking. For instance, if you are interested in:

Fee Commitment in dollars (see sample charges below) - Requests will not be completed without a fee commitment. You will be contacted if this information is incomplete or if the estimated fees exceed your commitment.

I have read the policies regarding FOIA fee waivers and I hereby request a fee waiver.

I agree to pay up to $ . If fees exceed this amount, please notify me before processing my request.

Sample Charges

If the information you request is for a commercial use, EPA charges either $4 per half hour or $10 per half hour, depending on the technical expertise of the person doing the search and review.

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