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ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

A Quick Example of using PIMMS for ROSAT HRI count rate estimations


*** PIMMS Version 1.2 (1993 May 26 release) ***
    Reading mission directory, please wait
*   PIMMS simulation product is COUNT
    count rates for various instruments or intrinsic fluxes can be estimated
    Use 'PRODUCT' to simulate images
*   Current model is BREMSSTRAHLUNG, kT=  10.0000 keV; NH =  1.000E+21
    Use 'MODEL' command to change
*   By default, input rate is taken to be
    Flux (  2.000- 10.000 keV) in ergs/cm/cm/s
    Use 'FROM' command to change the default
*   Simulation product will be
    Count rate in ASCA SIS
    Use 'INSTRUMENT' command to switch to another instrument

PIMMS > instrument rosat hri

PIMMS > model

PIMMS knows about the following
     Blackbody (BB)
     Powerlaw (PL)
     (Thermal) Bremsstrahlung (TB)
     RaymondSmith (RS)
For the above, enter name, temperature/slope and Nh
                 e.g., model bb 2.4 2e21
PIMMS also knows about following precalculated models:
  Name          Short explanation
  RSQ60         Raymond-Smith, logT=6.0 (kT=0.086 keV), abundance 0.25 Solar
  RSQ62         Raymond-Smith, logT=6.2 (kT=0.137 keV), abundance 0.25 Solar
[Many others follow]
  For these, type MODEL  []
PIMMS can also use any Ascii files containing:
        energy (kev), flux (photons/cm/cm/s) pairs as model
  For this, type  []

Enter model name > PL

Enter photon index > 2

Enter Nh > 3E20

PIMMS > go 2E-11

* For power law model with photon index = 2.0000; NH =  3.000E+20
   and a flux (  2.000- 10.000keV) of  2.000E-11 ergs/cm/cm/s
  (Model normalization =  7.779E-03)
* PIMMS predicts  6.618E-01 cps with ROSAT HRI

[or, to estimate rosat counts based on another mission]

PIMMS > from einstein hri

PIMMS > go 1

* For power law model with photon index = 2.0000; NH =  3.000E+20
  and  1.000E+00 cps in EINSTEIN HRI
  (Model normalization =  2.282E-02)
* PIMMS predicts  1.941E+00 cps with ROSAT HRI

[or change the assumed input flux energy range]

PIMMS > from flux erg 0.1-2

PIMMS > go 1e-11

* For power law model with photon index = 2.0000; NH =  3.000E+20
   and a flux (  0.100-  2.000keV) of  1.000E-11 ergs/cm/cm/s
  (Model normalization =  3.708E-03)
* PIMMS predicts  3.155E-01 cps with ROSAT HRI

Last Update: Feb 14, 1995 Curator: Michael Arida (SP Sys);
HEASARC Guest Observer Facility
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This file was last modified on Monday, 13-Sep-1999 15:47:29 EDT

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