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Standard Setting

Standard setting occurs in many sectors of the technology industry and can benefit consumers. Standards make it possible for products supplied by different firms to operate together. That can increase the number of sellers in a market and avoid confusing choices for consumers when products are not compatible. But standard setting also poses some risk of harm to competition. By allowing firms with competing technologies to pick a winner rather than letting consumers decide in the marketplace, companies could try to manipulate the process for individual gain, and undercut the benefits for consumers. The FTC strives to counteract that risk, investigate and, when necessary, take action against anticompetitive activities that undermine the standard-setting process. This page provides links to the FTC’s cases, workshops, reports, and speeches related to standard-setting issues.

Federal Trade Comission seal

Last Updated: Tuesday, February 5, 2008 5:18 PM->->->->

Federal Trade Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20580