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From Local to Extreme Environments (FLEXE)

Find out more about
the FLEXE Project:

Project summary (PDF)
2009 FLEXE Research Cruise
2007 FLEXE Research Cruise
Project Web site
SCUBAnauts International
Ridge 2000

How extreme is the deep sea? What does it take to flourish along a mid-ocean spreading center 2500 meters below sea level?

Characterized by crushing pressure, near freezing temperatures, and no light, the deep sea is the largest environment on Earth. Hot hydrothermal vents and cold hydrocarbon seeps found on the seafloor host lush communities of animals. Scientists from a variety of disciplines are currently conducting investigations to learn more about features that make these seafloor ecosystems extreme and unique. Join the scientists in the Ridge 2000 program and associated research programs by participating in GLOBE FLEXE.

From Local to Extreme Environments (FLEXE) is a GLOBE project involving study of the deep ocean led by Pennsylvania State University in partnership with Ridge 2000 and InterRIDGE scientists. Through comparative protocols and online interactions with project scientists and partner schools, students gain an understanding of local and the deep-sea environments, the interconnected Earth system, and the process of science. FLEXE students collect data from their local environment and compare it with data from an extreme deep-sea environment. Scientists guide students in their analysis of deep-sea data through the on-line FLEXE Forum. Scientific reporting, peer review, and communication with scientists at sea during a research cruise cap the students' experience.



14-16 January: Training for Thai Pilot Teachers
20-22 January: Training for Australian Pilot Teachers
January-May: FLEXE Energy Unit final pilot.
May: FLEXE Research Cruise to the Lau Basin
July: Teacher Workshop at COSEE-GCOM in Gulfport, MS.


January - June: Evaluation of Fall 2007 FLEXE Energy Unit pilot
22 - 28 June: GLOBE Learning Expedition in South Africa
24-25 July: Teacher workshop at COSEE-GCOM in Gulfport, MS
3-8 August: GLOBE/DLESE Workshop on FLEXE
August-October: School Recruiting for 2009 FLEXE EnergyUnit
December: US Teacher on-line training for 2009 EnergyUnit begins


26 January: Seafloor to Space Station Phone Call
July - August: Recruit schools for Year Two Field Test, Workshop at GLOBE Annual Conference
29 August: On-line training for US Pilot Teachers
7 September: Training for German Pilot Teachers
Autumn: Pilot classrooms test Energy Unit Activities:
  • Temperature Variation Around the GLOBE
  • Temperature Variation in Our Local Environment (with on-line Peer Review)
  • FLEXE ForumTemperature Variation in the Deep-sea
16 - 17 November: Participate in GLOBE-Germany Annual Conference
8 - 22 December: FLEXE Cruise:

As additional FLEXE activities are planned, information about them will be added to this page.


GLOBE Cave Protocols: English, Spanish. (pdf)
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