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Composting in the Mid-Atlantic Region

Composting in the Mid-Atlantic RegionExiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer
PDF 34 pages, 1.5 MB | About PDFs
Produced in 2002 by the Mid-Atlantic Consortium of Recycling and Economic Development Officials (MACREDO) and funded by EPA Region 3, this document provides an overview of composting and nutrient management for the Mid-Atlantic region.

Links to directories of Composting facilities.

Delaware (yard waste composting/no food waste)
http://www.epa.gov/reg3wcmd/composting/sec_V_region_3_compost_list.pdf Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer
PDF 16 pages, 844 KB | About PDFs

Maryland (Prince George County)

Maryland (Montgomery County)

New Jersey

New York
http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/dshm/redrecy/compweb.pdf [14 pages, 17KB | About PDF]


http://www.ext.vt.edu/pubs/compost/452-230/452-230.html Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer

West Virginia - Composting facilities in DE, MD, VA, and WV are listed at

Mid-Atlantic Composting Association

Mid-Atlantic Composting Association Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer
The Mid-Atlantic Composting Association advocates market development to support composting and environmental quality in the mid-Atlantic states. The Association promotes science-based research, education, standards, and regulations for a sustainable composting industry and shares information through working partnerships.


Delaware Solid Waste Authority Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer
This site provides instructions for starting a compost, the benefits of composting and the implications of not recycling. The Delaware Solid Waste Authority offers a toll-free Citizens' Response Line, which operates from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you would like additional information or assistance, contact the Response Line at 1-800-404-7080.


Maryland Department of the Environment
The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) Web site offers a wide variety of environmental resources including related links and publications. Their page on composting describes the process of composting and provides valuable tips on what not to compost.

mastercomposter.com Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer
(Subscription required)
Mastercomposter.com provides newsletters, detailed instruction on composting, links to international resources, equipment for developing your own compost and online chat rooms where people interested in composting topics can connect.


Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection's composting site provides instruction, constructing and using a compost as well as a schedule for composting seminars and a "how to" home composting video.

Penn State University Organic Materials Processing and Education Center Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer
In 1997, a group of concerned students and Penn State employees asked the university "Why not compost cafeteria wastes and use the product in the university's landscaping activities?" This inquiry resulted in the formation of OMPEC and this site providing project reports, presented papers and related links.

The Pennsylvania Composting Association Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer
The Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania's Organics Council serves members involved in composting and other organic recycling efforts. This site offers information about organics events, composting regulations and standards, and home composting and grasscycling.


Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
The Virginia DEQ site includes a link to the state's vegetative waste management and yard waste composting regulations.

mastercomposter.com Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer
(Subscription required)
Mastercomposter.com provides newsletters, detailed instruction on composting, links to international resources, equipment for developing your own compost and online chat rooms where people interested in composting topics can connect.

West Virginia

mastercomposter.com Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer
(Subscription required)
Mastercomposter.com provides newsletters, detailed instruction on composting, links to international resources, equipment for developing your own compost and online chat rooms where people interested in composting topics can connect.

Recycler's World Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer
Recycler's World is an online directory for recycling associations, traders, equipment vendors, publications and exchanges. The site also offers a calendar of upcoming events related to composting and recycling.

PA Food Merchant's Association Workshop June 21, 2007

Presentations from Virginia Food Waste Workshop August 8, 2006

Mid Atlantic Organics Summit November 30, 2006 Organic Booklet Cover

   Welcome Letter [1page, 23 KB]

   Organics Summit Agenda [2 pp, 62.2 KB]

   Background On Food Residuals Generation and Recovery [1page, 49.9 KB]

   Food Waste Composting Activities In The Mid-Atlantic States [6 pp, 169 KB]

   Composting Facilities in EPA Region 3 [16 pp, 843 KB]

   Mid-Atlantic States’ Composting Regulations [4 pp, 108 KB]

   Organics Summit Presentations

          Other Resources [3 pp, 73.7 KB]

Blacksburg, VA Food waste Composting workshop October 23, 2008

Region 3 The Mid-Atlantic States

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