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Ecological Screening-Level Risk Assessment of the Lower Ottawa River

Prepared for:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Great Lakes National Program Office
77 W. Jackson Boulevard (G-17J)
Chicago, Illinois  60604


Limno-Tech, Inc.
501 Avis Drive
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108

Prepared by:
5808 Lake Washington Blvd. NE, Suite 200
Kirkland, WA 98033-7350

DISCLAIMER: Exit disclaimer  This project was made possible by a grant from U.S. EPA's Great Lakes National Program Office with matching funds from the Maumee RAP and members of TMACOG. Any reference to a trademark name or organization does not represent an endorsement by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA), or the City of Toledo.

Kurt Erichsen, P.E.
Vice President of Environmental Planning
P.O. Box 9508
Toledo, OH 43697-9508

Additional information regarding this project, contact:
Demaree Collier, Environmental Scientist
Great Lakes National Program Office

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The Ottawa River Risk Assessment project was started in late 1999 as a partnership between Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG), Ohio EPA, and the Maumee RAP. It was completed in November 2001. Since 1987 when the RAP was established, businesses and governmental agencies have invested millions of dollars to identify and remediate sources of pollution going into the Ottawa River in Toledo. With those sources removed, the next step in restoration of the river is with the sediments.

The project was administered by TMACOG in conjunction with other agencies of the Ottawa River Remediation Team (ORRT). These include Ohio EPA, Ohio Department of Health, US Fish & Wildlife Service, and the City of Toledo. This team, through a competitive process, selected Limno Tech Inc of Ann Arbor as its prime contractor to prepare the Risk Assessments. Limno Tech in turn subcontracted the Human Health Assessment to Intertox and the Ecologic Risk Assessment to Parametrix.

An ecological screening-level risk assessment (SLRA) of the lower Ottawa River was conducted as an initial effort to prioritize chemical hot spots for possible remediation. The SLRA followed the U.S. EPA’s standard ecological risk assessment guidelines and included the following sections:

  1. Problem Formulation;
  2. Exposure Characterization;
  3. Effects Characterization; and
  4. Risk Characterization.

The Problem Formulation stated the goals of the SLRA, described the study area, and identified the ecological receptors evaluated. The Exposure Characterization described the chemistry data available and the methods for quantifying exposure of ecological receptors to chemicals. The Effects Characterization presented the Toxicity Reference Values (TRVs) used for comparison to the chemical exposure levels. Lastly, the Risk Characterization compared the Exposure and Effects Characterization results to estimate whether ecological receptors are at risk from chemicals in the lower Ottawa. Multiple lines of evidence were included in the Risk Characterization to provide an overall weight-of-evidence.


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Ottawa River Final Human Health Risk Assessment Report  (926kb)
Ottawa River Final Screening-Level Risk Assessment Report (2,574kb)
Figure D-1 Lead Concentrations in Sediment: June 2000 Data Compared to Threshold and Probable Effects Levels (546kb)
Figure D-2 PCB Concentrations in Sediment: June 2000 Data Compared to Threshold and Probable Effects Levels (551kb)
Figure D-3 Total PAH's in Sediment (540kb)
Figure D-4a River Mile 0-3.2 Lead Concentrations in Sediment: 1998 Data Compared to Threshold and Probable Effects Levels (578kb)
Figure D-4b River Mile 3.2-4.9 Lead Concentrations in Sediment: 1998 Data Compared to Threshold and Probable Effects Levels (539kb)
Figure D-4c River Mile 4.9-6.5 Lead Concentrations in Sediment: 1998 Data Compared to Threshold and Probable Effects Levels (566kb)
Figure D-4d River Mile 6.5-8.8 Lead Concentrations in Sediment: 1998 Data Compared to Threshold and Probable Effects Levels (557kb)
Figure D-5a River Mile 0-3.2 PCB Concentrations in Sediment:  1998 Data Compared to Threshold and Probable Effects Levels (581kb)
Figure D-5b River Mile 3.2-4.9 PCB Concentrations in Sediment:  1998 Data Compared to Threshold and Probable Effects Levels (567kb)
Figure D-5c River Mile 4.9-6.5 PCB Concentrations in Sediment:  1998 Data Compared to Threshold and Probable Effects Levels (566kb)
Figure D-5d River Mile 6.5-8.8 PCB Concentrations in Sediment:  1998 Data Compared to Threshold and Probable Effects Levels (568kb)
Figure D-6a River Mile 0-3.2 Total PAH's in Sediment: 1998 Data Compared to Sediment Quality Guidelines (573kb)
Figure D-6b River Mile 3.2-4.9 Total PAH's in Sediment: 1998 Data Compared to Sediment Quality Guidelines (530kb)
Figure D-6c River Mile 4.9-6.5 Total PAH's in Sediment: 1998 Data Compared to Sediment Quality Guidelines (559kb)
Figure D-6d River Mile 6.5-8.8 Total PAH's in Sediment: 1998 Data Compared to Sediment Quality Guidelines (550kb)
Figure E-3 Lead and PCB Concentrations in Sediment: June 2000 Data Compared to Threshold and Probable Effects Levels (579kb)
Table A-1a Summary Statistics for Measured Chemical Concentrations in Fish (Data from Inventory 20 [2000]) (80kb)
Table A-1b Summary Statistics for Measured Chemical Concentrations in Fish, Whole Organism, from Maumee Bay (Data from Inventory 13 [1999]) (73kb)
Table A-2a Summary Statistics for Measured Chemical Concentrations in Sediment (Data from Inventory 15 [1998]) (82kb)
Table A-2b Summary Results for Measured Chemical Concentrations in Sediment (Data from Inventory 20 [2000]) (93kb)
Table A-3 Summary Statistics for Measured Chemical Concentrations in Surface Water (Data from Inventory 20 [2000]) (88kb)
Table A-4 Chemical Concentrations in Invertebrate Tissues Estimated from Measured Sediment Concentrations (79kb)
Table B-1 Acute Toxicity Screening Doses for Wildlife (81kb)
Table B-2 Chronic Toxicity Screening Doses for Wildlife (81kb)
Table B-3 Acute and Chronic Surface Water Toxicity Screening Values for Aquatic Life (80kb)
Table B-4 Sediment Toxicity Screening Values for Aquatic Life (77kb)
Table B-5 Residue-Based Tissue Toxicity Screening Values for Fish (75kb)
Table C-1 Acute Hazard Quotients for Wildlife Receptors in the Lower Ottawa River (96kb)
Table C-2 Chronic Hazard Quotients for Wildlife Receptors in the Lower Ottawa River (97kb)
Table C-3 Acute and Chronic Hazard Quotients for Bald Eagles Feeding on Fish Species in Maumee Bay (72kb)
Table C-4 Acute and Chronic Hazard Quotients for Aquatic Life Based on Surface Water Exposures (82kb)
Table C-5 Hazard Quotients for Aquatic Life Based on Sediment Exposures (Data from Inventory 15 [1998]) (103kb)
Table C-6 Hazard Quotients for Aquatic Life Based on Sediment Exposures (Data from Inventory 20 [2000]) (102kb)
Table C-7 Tissue Residue-Based Hazard Quotients for Aquatic Life (69kb)


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