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National Vaccine Program Office

Strengthening the Delivery of Vaccines for Adolescents

Strengthening the Delivery of New Vaccines for Adolescents
A National Stakeholders' Meeting

Days Hotel Conference Center
2200 Centersville Road
Herndon Virginia
June 2-3, 2005


A National Vaccine Advisory Committee Working Group is convening this meeting, co-sponsored by the National Vaccine Program Office and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, of key stakeholders with an interest in adolescent immunization to address issues expected to arise with the licensing of new vaccines for this age group. By the end of the meeting, it is hoped that participants will:

  • Identify the approaches that will most effectively and efficiently increase the proportion of adolescents who receive newly recommended vaccines.
  • Identify ways to integrate these approaches with other adolescent health, education, and development programs.

Meeting participants include representatives of governmental and nongovernmental organizations whose primary interest is either immunization or other aspects of adolescent health, education or development.

Background information. Before the meeting, selected participants will prepare a series of background documents. Background documents will address the following themes:

  1. The medical home
  2. High risk youth
  3. Schools
  4. Legislation
  5. Prevention priorities and integration
  6. Economic issues: Cost-effectiveness and financing
  7. Communication strategies
  8. Alternative settings

The primary purpose of the background documents is to share existing information and policy, and prepare meeting attendees for the discussions that will be held at the meeting. During the first day of the meeting, a representative will present a summary presentation during a plenary session. Meeting participants will have an opportunity to meet with the groups who prepared the background documents during simultaneous break out sessions at the end of the first day of the meeting.

Overarching questions. During the second part of the meeting, meeting participants will form group that will focus on a set of overarching questions. Each meeting participant participants will be assigned to groups that are charged with providing provisional answers to one of the overarching questions:

  1. What should be the goals of a program to deliver adolescent immunizations? How will we evaluate the program?
  2. What approaches that will most effectively and efficiently increase the proportion of adolescents who receive newly recommended vaccines. What are the best ways to reach adolescents for vaccination? What are the most effective implementation strategies?
  3. How will vaccination be paid for?
  4. How can we enhance the demand/acceptance for vaccines among adolescents, parents, and providers?

Overarching question groups will be asked to develop action plans using the following format:

  • What is working and how can we make it work better?
  • What needs additional resources?
  • What research is needed to fill gaps of knowledge?
  • What research is needed to translate our science into action?

Outcomes. Meeting participants will identify opportunities for and barriers to the administration of these vaccines and protection of adolescents against vaccine-preventable diseases. It is hope that the meeting participants will identify practical next steps, solutions to barriers, and an agenda for continued action.


Wednesday June 1, 2005

4:00 p.m.

Registration opens

7:30 p.m.

Pre-meeting dinner (NVAC representatives, CDC and NVPO leads, background document co-leads, facilitators)

9:00 p.m.

Registration closes

Thursday June 2, 2005

7:00 AM

Registration opens


8:00 a.m.

Overview of new vaccines for adolescents (Optional session)


Comments, questions & answers

Daniel Fishbein (CDC)
Karen Broder (CDC)
Laurie Markowitz (CDC)
Nancy Rosenstein (CDC)

9:00 a.m.

Meeting overview



Structure of meeting

Presenter (affiliation)
Daniel Fishbein (CDC) [PPT - 79KB]

9:30 a.m.

Plenary session I



The medical home
Alternative settings


Peter Szilagyi (RCAIR) [PPT - 2.55MB]
John Fontanesi (UCDS) [PPT - 160KB]
Stan Shafer (RCAIR)
Daniel Fishbein (CDC)
Susan Wooley (ASHA) [PPT - 1.54MB]

11:00 a.m.



11:30 a.m.

Plenary session II



Prevention priorities

Economics/cost effectiveness
Economics/vaccine financing

Allan Craig (ASTHO & CSTE) [PPT - 521KB]
Martin Fisher (BF)
Mary Vernon Smiley (CDC)
Charles Wibblesman (AAP) [PPT - 121KB]
Grace Lee (HU) [PPT - 199KB]
Ted. Miller (PI) [PPT - 199KB]
Jeanne Santoli (CDC)

1:30 p.m.



2:30 p.m.

Plenary session III



Communication strategies
Strategies in other countries
Overarching questions

Greg Zimet (SAM) [PPT - 179KB]
Gary Freed (UofM) [PPT - 1.87MB]
Dan Fishbein (CDC)

3:45 p.m.

Break-out sessions* (Background documents)
Objectives: Review/major suggestions received in response to plenary sessions, develop plan to finalize a paper, develop a position on overarching questions.


Group 1: The medical home
Group 2: High risk youth
Group 3: Schools
Group 4: Legislation
Group 5: Prevention priorities
Group 6: Economics/cost effectiveness/financing
Group 7: Communication strategies
Group 8: Alternative settings

Room location
Room location
Room location
Room location
Room location
Room location

Room location
Room location

4:45 p.m.



5:00 p.m.

Break-out sessions (Overaching questions), Session I
Objectives: Introduction of NVAC lead, facilitators, group members. Develop plan for addressing overarching questions. (Consider dinner in small groups)

Question A: What should be the goals of a program to deliver adolescent immunizations? How will we evaluate the program? (# of groups?)


Group A1 Leader: William Schaffner
Group A2 Leader: Lance Rodewald

Room location
Room location


Question B: What approaches will most effectively and efficiently increase the proportion of adolescents who receive newly recommended vaccines. What are the best ways to reach adolescents for vaccination? What are the most effective implementation strategies? (# of groups?)


Group B1 Leader: Mary Beth Koslap-Petraco
Group B2 Leader: Daniel Fishbein

Room location
Room location


Question C: How will adolescent vaccination be financed? (2 groups)


Group C1 Leader: Gary Freed
Group C2 Leader: Jeanne Santoli

Room location
Room location


Question D: How can we increase demand/acceptance for vaccines among adolescents, parents, and providers? (1 group)


Group D Leaders: Patricia Whitley-Williams & Sharon Humiston

Room location

6:00 p.m.



Friday June 3, 2005

8:30 a.m.

Break-out sessions (Overaching questions), Session II
Objectives: Develop major suggestions received in response to plenary sessions, develop plan to finalize paper, develop position on overarching questions.

Question A: What should be the goals of a program to deliver adolescent immunizations? How will we evaluate the program? (# of groups?)


Group A1 Leader: William Schaffner
Group A2 Leader: Lance Rodewald

Room location
Room location


Question B: What approaches will most effectively and efficiently increase the proportion of adolescents who receive newly recommended vaccines. What are the best ways to reach adolescents for vaccination? What are the most effective implementation strategies? (# of groups?)


Group B1 Leader: Mary Beth Koslap-Petraco
Group B2 Leader: Daniel Fishbein

Room location
Room location


Question C: How will adolescent vaccination be financed? (2 groups)


Group C1 Leader: Gary Freed
Group C2 Leader: Jeanne Santoli

Room location
Room location


Question D: How can we increase demand/acceptance for vaccines among adolescents, parents, and providers? (1 group)


Group D1 Leaders: Patricia Whitley-Williams & Sharon Humiston

Room location

11:30 AM

Break/Preparation for closing plenary


12:15 PM

Plenary Session III: Closing plenary



Action plan: Question A
Action plan: Question B
Action plan: Question C
Action plan: Question D
Next steps

TBD (affiliation)
TBD (affiliation)
TBD (affiliation)
TBD (affiliation)
Dan Fishbein (CDC)

1:15 PM




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