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1994 National Vaccine Plan Table of Contents

Cover and Introduction
Executive Summary
I. The Promise of Vaccines
II. The Mission of the National Vaccine Program and Purpose of the National Vaccine Plan
III. Disease Prevention Through Vaccine Development and Immunization
IV. The Goals, Objectives, and Strategies of the National Vaccine Plan
V. Microbial Threats to Health and Global Collaboration Against Infectious Diseases
VI. The Status of Vaccine Development -- 1993
VII. The Status of Immunization - 1993
VIII. Development, Licensure, Recommendations for Use, and Postmarketing Surveillance of Vaccines
IX. Priorities for FY 1994 and FY 1995
X. Coordination
XI. Overview of Investment and Resource Allocation
XII. Predicted Outcomes of the National Vaccine Plan
1. Statutory Basis for the National Vaccine Plan: Title XXI of the Public Health Service Act (P.L. 99-660)
2. Major Federal Organizations Responsible for Vaccine- and lmmunization-Related Activities
3. List of Participants in the Development of the National Vaccine Plan
4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "Addressing Emerging Infectious Disease Threats to Health: A Prevention Strategy for the United States" (Excerpts)
5. Licensed Vaccines Currently Distributed in the United States
6. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, "NIAID Blue Ribbon Panel on Vaccine Research, March 26, 1993: Summary"
7. Reported Cases of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
8. Measles Cases, 1989-1991
9. The Childhood Immunization Initiative: Purpose and Targets
10. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "Childhood Immunization Initiative Action Plan"
11. Summary Excerpts from Benefit/Cost Studies of Immunization
12. Acronyms and Abbreviations Used in the Plan
Table 1: Changes in the incidence of vaccine-preventable disease in the United States
Table 2: Estimates of current vaccine coverage or immunity among American adults
Table 3: Estimated effect of full use of vaccines currently recommended for adults
Table 4: Benefit/cost ratios of immunization for measles, mumps, and rubella
Table 5: Federal appropriations for vaccine development and immunization programs, FY 1991 to FY 1994
Table 6: Number of cases reported in the United States in 1992-1993 for diseases preventable by routine childhood vaccination, and CII targets for 1996
Table 7: Vaccination coverage targets of CII by vaccine and year
Table 8: Coverage of the Childhood Immunization Initiative in the National Vaccine Plan

Last revised: January 13, 2004


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