Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer

TOMS Aerosol Products: Dust

The TOMS data can distinguish between different type of aerosol particles based on their size (dust tends to have larger particles than smoke) and absorbing properties in the UV. The data show that aerosols tend to cover much of the globe. Large dust plumes originating in the Sahara are transported across the Atlantic Ocean to the Carribean Islands and the southeastern coast of the U.S. At lower levels the dust plume extends into the Pacific Ocean. Similarly, the TOMS data have shown that dust origininating in China's Gobi desert has been transported across the Pacific where it was observed in 1998 as a significant event in the Western U.S.(eg., Seattle, Washington). Smaller dust events are observed in Australia.

Dust Images


For more information, contact Dr. Jay Herman, the Principal Investigator for Aerosol research.