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Ocean Color

Laboratory for Ocean Color Users (LOCUS)

What is it?

The Laboratory for Ocean Color Users (LOCUS) is intended to provide a guided pathway to aid in the utilization of ocean color data for oceanographic and environmental research.

Who is it for?

LOCUS is for researchers who are interested in applying remotely-sensed ocean color data to research questions. Initially, this group may be largely composed of experienced scientists who are familiar with remote-sensing data. As LOCUS expands, however, it will be designed to include "new" researchers with various levels of scientific experience.

What can it do?

LOCUS will provide tutorial examples of research conducted with ocean color data; collaborative research projects presented in a step-by-step fashion as they are conducted; and informed guidance on the implementation of research using the analytical tools and ocean color data available in the Ocean Color Time-Series Project. LOCUS can do what researchers want it to do.

Giovanni-generated image of the North Atlantic Bloom, May 2003:

North Atlantic Bloom, May 2003

NEW: The Giovanni-NEO Instructional Cookbook:
Oceanographic Education Demonstration Prototype
(click right here!)

LOCUS Educational Modules

1. Introduction to Ocean Color and SST Analysis with the Gulf Stream

2.  Major Boundary Currents

3. Upwelling and Primary Productivity

4. Interannual Variability

5. Seasonal Variability

6. The Southern Ocean


The GES-DISC Interactive On-line Visualization and ANalysis Infrastructure (Giovanni), developed by the GES DISC/DAAC, provides users with an easy-to-use, Web-based interface for visualization and analysis of several different types of earth science data. Users can generate plots or ASCII file output for area- average (Area Plot), time-series (Time Plot), and Hovmoller diagrams.

Giovanni in Action:

Remotely-sensed chl a at the Chesapeake Bay mouth is correlated with annual freshwater flow to Chesapeake Bay (PDF, published in Geophysical Research Letters)

Drought and Deluge Change Chesapeake Bay Biology (NASA Earth Observatory)

Satellite Sees Chlorophyll Stirred Up by Hurricane Katrina

(NASA "Looking at Earth" feature article)

National Marine Educator's Association Presentation: "Giovanni and LOCUS: Innovative Ways for Teachers and Students to Conduct Online Learning and Research with Oceanographic Remote Sensing Data"

Basic Version (PPT file, no animation)

Animated Version (PPT file)

Coastal GeoTools '07 Presentation:
"Giovanni Facilitates Investigations of Coastal Environmental Processes with NASA Remote-Sensing Data"

European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories
(EARSeL) 2007 Annual Symposium Presentation
"Exploiting the Capabilities of NASA's Giovanni System for Oceanographic Education"

The Giovanni-NEO Oceanographic Education Cookbook



Tutorial 1: Influence of El Niño on the Gulf of Panama Seasonal Productivity Cycle

Tutorial 2: Seasonal Patterns and Mysteries in the Red Sea

Tutorial 3: Monthly Patterns and Influence of Missing Data near Monterey Bay, California

Tutorial 4: Different Kinds of Chlorophyll Concentration Anomalies in the North Atlantic Bloom

Tutorial 5:  Sea Surface Temperature versus Chlorophyll Scatter Plots, Part I

Tutorial 6:  Sea Surface Temperature verus Chlorophyll Scatter Plots, Part II:  Where in the World (Ocean)?

Tutorial 7: Time-Series Analysis with Significance Testing Using Giovanni and Excel

Tutorial 8: The NASA Ocean Biogeochemical Model (NOBM) Part 1: Examining the North Atlantic Bloom with Total Assimilated Chlorophyll

Project Development

User-DAAC collaborative projects shown in progress from concept to implementation to production to interpretation

Research Project Examples

U.S. Naval Academy Spring 2007 Semester:
Remote Sensing Class Project Utilizing Giovanni

"Integration of Ocean Color Data, Thermal Sensor Data, and Environmental Parameters for Assessment of Productivity of the Coastal Water", provided by Dr. Myint Myint Khaing, RSDPC, Myanmar, India

LESSON PLAN EXAMPLES from the Ocean Observing Educator Institute 2007 workshop at the University of New Hampshire (MS WORD doc files)

Graphing Giovanni Data

Arabian Sea


NASA Water Quality Information
Giovanni allows easy examination of remotely-sensed data products related to water quality. The link above provides information on many different ways that data from NASA satellites can be used to investigate water quality issues.




If you have questions about the use of Giovanni for research and/or education, send them to GES DISC Help. We will reply promptly. With the permission of the sender, interesting questions will be posted here for comment from the oceanographic community. We can also contact ocean color scientists to provide advice on questions from our users.

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  • Last updated: March 01, 2008 00:25:56 GMT