Sustainable Operations - Our Environmental Footprint & The Climate Change Connection

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About The Presenter

Anna J. Jones Crabtree

Anna is currently Sustainable Operations Coordinator for the Rocky Mountain and Northern Regions of the Forest Service. Anna has long championed sustainability throughout her career. She received honorable mention in the 2006 White House Closing the Circle Awards for her efforts in the Rocky Mountain Region. In 2008 she received the EPA's Environmental Achievement Award. She was instrumental in the creation of a sustainable design guide for Forest Service facilities. She also catalyzed a partnership with DOE and DOD that led to the installation of the first stationary fuel cell in the agency. She was the founding co-chair of the Greater Yellowstone Coordinating Committee's Sustainable Operations Subcommittee which engages six national forests, two national parks and two national wild life refuges in seeking sustainable operation opportunities throughout the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Prior to her sustainable operations positions Anna was the Forest Engineering Staff Officer on the Bighorn National Forest with responsibilities for oversight and coordination of all engineering and infrastructure needs on the 1.1 million acre national forest. She is the Board Co-Chair for the Alternative Energy Resources Organization, a grass-roots, Montana based organization working on local food and energy issues, and she served as Donella Meadows Fellow. Anna has been the Principle Oboist for several community orchestras. Her undergraduate and M.S. degrees in engineering are from Purdue University and she has a Ph.D. in Engineering with a Minor in Sustainable Systems from Georgia Institute of Technology. Anna is a licensed Professional Engineer and a U.S. Greenbuilding Council LEED Accredited Professional.

About This Presentation

Running time: 40 minutes and 10 seconds

Production by: MJ Furniss and J Guntle, Communications and Applications, PNW and PSW Research Stations

Topics covered:

  • Three Parts
  • Sustainable Operations and Consumption
  • Our Mission
  • Our Consumption
  • Footprint Connections
  • Climate Change is...
  • Footprint Strategies
  • Energy
  • Energy Expenses
  • What is Mandated
  • Future Opportunities
  • Fleet / Transportation
  • Fleet Expenses
  • Fleet Mandates
  • Have you Really Tried?
  • Water
  • What we sort of know
  • What we are doing
  • Future Opportunities
  • Green Purchasing
  • What We Know
  • What is Mandated
  • Future Opportunities
  • Waste Prevention and Recycling
  • What we know
  • What is Mandated
  • Future Opportunities
  • Sustainability is a Process
  • Where we are today
  • Leadership and the Future
  • Place-based corporate approach
  • Increase Capacity and Capabilities
  • Create Value
  • Building Legitimacy
  • Sustainable Leadership
  • 4th Annual Summit
  • What will conservation look like?
  • Adopt a Vision
  • What future do you want to create?
  • 6 Footprint Areas
  • Zero Waste
  • Zero Emissions
  • Zero Watershed Impact
  • No Footprint Impact
  • Net Zero Energy
  • Leave No Habit Unturned
  • Finally...