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NEWSROOM - Features 2007

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Read the past stories that have been featured on our web site.

Title/Subject Image
Altimeters Bring Eddies into Focus Jason Investigators find eddies in the details. Read the feature 'Altimeters Bring Eddies into Focus'
Ray and Roemmich win AMS awards Two OST science team members have been honored with prestigious awards. Read the Image Release: 'Ray and Roemmich win AMS awards'
Legacy of TOPEX/Poseidon: 14 years of ocean altimetry data from NASA. (PDF) Read the PDF feature 'Legacy of TOPEX/Poseidon'
What's so advanced about the Advanced Microwave Radiometer? The AMR on OSTM/Jason-2 Read the feature 'What's so Advanced about the Advanced Microwave Radiometer?'
La Niña Persists An ENSO update from Jason-1 Read the Image Release: 'La Nina Persists'
Getting it Together: OSTM/Jason-2 integration and testing in France Read the feature 'Getting it Together'
OSTM/Jason-2 Update
A BBC article on OSTM/Jason-2.
Read the feature 'Jason-2 Update story'
Updated facts about OSTM/Jason-2 and Jason-1 View the fact sheets 'Updated facts about OSTM and Jason-1'
Introducing Laura Faye Tenenbaum: Summer Faculty Intern at JPL Read the feature 'Introducing Laura Faye Tenenbaum'
AVISO's New Basic Radar Altimetry Toolbox A new set of tools for altimetry data users. Read the feature 'AVISO's New Basic Radar Altimetry Toolbox'
The Legacy of TOPEX/Poseidon 14 years of ocean height data. View the lithograph 'The Legacy of TOPEX/Poseidon'
OSTST meeting summary A recap of the science team meeting. (PDF) Read the feature 'OSTST meeting summary'
Tropical Cyclone Gonu Jason reveals wind speeds and wave heights of this unusual storm. Read the feature 'Tropical Cyclone Gonu'
Argonautica launches again! A New York school becomes the 2nd U.S. participant. Read the feature 'Argonautica launches again!'
National Ocean Month! Become ocean literate in June 2007! Read the feature 'National Ocean Month!'
Long Live 'Excalibur' Second U.S. Argonautica Buoy Ready for Launch! Read the feature 'Long Live Excalibur'
Golden State Heating Up A new NASA/University study finds warming over much of the state over 50 years. Read the feature 'Golden State Heating Up'
"Instruments and individuals are the recipe for success" Q&A with OSTM/Jason-2 Team Member. Read the feature 'Instruments and individuals are the recipe for success'
Giant eddy takes on the EAC Jason data reveals large sea level anomaly off Sydney. Read the feature 'Giant eddy takes on the EAC'
A New La Niña? SSH in the Pacific indicates cooling. Read the feature 'A New La Nina?'
Satellites and Sea Lions: Combining Data from Both Can Improve Ocean Models. Read the feature 'Satellites and Sea Lions'
2006 Hurricane Season Near Normal A calm after the storms of last year Read the feature '2006 Hurricane Season Near Normal'
All Shook up! JPL's AMR instrument for OSTM gets tested to the limit. Read the feature 'All Shook up!'
El Niño 2006 Warm water builds up in the eastern Pacific. Read the feature 'El Nino 2006'
OST Science Team meeting, Hobart Australia, March 2007 Register and submit abstracts by 10 Jan. 2007. Read the feature 'OST Science Team meeting, Hobart Australia, March 2007'

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