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Contaminated Sediments Program

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G. Allen Burton, Jr., Ph.D.
   and Carolyn Rowland
Institute for Environmental Quality - Wright State University
Dayton, OH 45435

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Grant No. GL985554

Great Lakes National Program Office - Chicago, IL

Marc Tuchman
U.S. EPA Project Officer

October 28, 1998

Sediment Assessment and Remediation Report

Assessment of Sediment Quality in the Black River Watershed - Final Report

The objectives of the 1992 Great Lakes 5 Year Strategy are unlikely to be met in the Black River Area of Concern (AOC) unless there is a thorough evaluation of what role contaminated sediments are having on the system. The Black River Remedial Action Plan (RAP) Strategy Plan (1997 - 2001) and 1997 Draft Annual Plan state that contaminated sediments and related toxicity are a significant issue in the system, yet no studies have been developed for assessing sediment toxicity. The Black River's infamous history of severe sediment contamination from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) below USS/Kobe Steel and associated impacts on the fish community, the land use and hydrologic characteristics which result in extensive sediment loading and deposition, and past and present pollution sources clearly suggest sediments may, in fact, be the dominant stressor in the system. Controls are being implemented (through the RAP process) to reduce sediment and contaminant loading. However, the effectiveness of any controls or past dredging, the contribution of existing sediment contamination to use impairment, or documentation for use impairment delisiting, cannot be accurately assessed without a comprehensive assessment of sediment toxicity.

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