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Nitric Acid

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Nitric acid (HNO3) is a very water soluble, acidic gas.
In the atmosphere it is formed by the conversion of nitrogen monoxide into nitrogen dioxide, and ultimately into nitric acid. It readily reacts with atmospheric water to produce acidic precipitation. Nitric acid also reacts with gaseous ammonia to form particulate or aerosol nitrate, which in turn is removed by wet and dry deposition of the particles. In the clean background troposphere, its removal in precipitation acts as a sink for odd hydrogen and nitrogen compounds and limits the formation of ozone.


(1) Atmospheric Chemistry Models (3) Health and Environment
(2) Air Quality Forecast Models (4) Climate Change

GES DISC Datasets

Quick Search for 'Nitric Acid' with Mirador
Click on the corresponding 'WHOM access' links in the table below to access products containing specific parameter.

Parameter Units Platform /Instrument Data
Begin Date End Date WHOM Access Doc
HNO3 Profiles vmr Aura/MLS 2004-08-08 Current ML2HNO3.002 Y
Aura/HIRDLS 2004-07-15 Current HIRDLS2.003 Y
HNO3 Profiles, mixing ratios at different pressure levels (Global Gridded, at equal intervals of latitude/or equal intervals of time) vmr Aura/MLS 2004-08-08 Current Y
UARS/MLS 1991-09-18 1999-07-28 UARML3AT Y
Nimbus-7/LIMS 1978-10-25 1985-05-01 LIMSN7L2 Y

Other sources for data

1. Aura/TES 2. MIPAS

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  • Last updated: May 29, 2008 17:26:36 GMT