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Cloud Ice Water

Other Names

CLW, Ice Water Content, LWC, Cloud Liquid Water/Ice


It is the amount of liquid water per unit volume of air
Cloud Liquid/Ice Water is usually expressed either in g/m3 or g/kg. It varies greatly from cloud to cloud. On the average, for a typical cloud it varies from 0.05 to 3 g/m3 . Cloud Liquid Water plays an important role in the transport of energy (latent heat) in the earth-atmosphere system.


(1) Global energy budget (3) Greenhouse effect
(2) Climate change (4) Global warming

GES DISC Datasets

Quick Search for 'Cloud Ice Water' with Mirador
Click on the corresponding 'WHOM access' links in the table below to access products containing specific parameter.

Parameter Units Platform /Instrument Data
Begin Date End Date WHOM Access Doc
Cloud Ice/Water Content g/m3 Aura/MLS 2004-08-08 Current ML2IWC.002 Y
Cloud Ice water (14 layers) g/m3 TRMM/TMI 1997-12-07 Current 2A12 Y
3A12 Y
TRMM/PR 1997-12-07 Current 3B31 Y

Other sources for data

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  • Last updated: May 29, 2008 17:26:45 GMT