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exit EPA (About PDF)

Great Lakes Binational Toxics Strategy

Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) Workgroup

Draft Step 3 Report: Options for Reducing PCBs
July 14, 2000 Draft

Prepared by:
Ross & Associates Environmental Consulting, Ltd.

We are seeking comments on past, present, or future reduction plans/activities that might be included in the discussions of PCB reduction opportunities. Please address comments to:

Mr. Tony Martig
USEPA Region 5
77 West Jackson Blvd.
Chicago, Illinois 60604-3507 
or martig.anton@epa.gov 

Thank you for your interest in the Binational Toxics Strategy!

View the Binational Toxics Strategy Draft Step 3 Report: Options for Reducing PCBs (PDF 128KB 12pps)


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