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U.S. Department of Labor
Employment & Training Administration

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Office of Workforce Investment - Functions of the
Division of Workforce System Support

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Division of Workforce System Support
Primary Functions
Janet R. Sten
Division Chief
Governance and System Support Group Workforce Information Group
  • Provide guidance, technical assistance, and support for system governance functions including WIA State strategic planning, modification process, waivers, complaints, and appeals
  • Build the capacity of the workforce investment system to implement the WIRED framework through dissemination of model approaches, tools, products information, curriculum, etc. flowing from WIRED, High Growth, Community Based Job Training (CBJT) grants, and other strategic investments, through Workforce3One and development of Webinars and significant contributions to Workforce Innovations
  • Develop and implement new communications forums with the workforce investment system to increase the ability to understand and implement the WIRED framework
  • Collaborate within ETA, and with both public and private entities, to integrate and leverage investment of resources and promote system change to the WIRED framework, including, but not limited to, the Business Learning Partnerships (NBLP) initiative.
  • Update and support the national electronic tools to provide information, tools, and products for use by workforce system partners, career counselors, job seekers, veterans, students, and the public
  • Provide businesses with information to support the recruitment process, worker skills identification and competencies they need now and in the future
  • Provide business and worker customers, and state partners,  a smooth transition for the phase out of America’s Job Bank (AJB)
  • Develop career guidance information and products, including assessment guidance, O*NET, and the Competency Model Initiative (the latter developed collaboratively with the Business Relations Group)
  • Develop workforce information policy guidance, provide grants to states for core product development, and manage investments to maximize the value of the core products
  • Make strategic investments and collaborate in the development of interactive web-based tools that capture information from a variety of databases and support regional and community analysis to underpin strategic planning, cluster analysis, benchmarking, and assessment of interventions
  • Promote the development and improvement of national, state, regional, and local workforce information through identification of new datasets and sources of information and through partnerships with other Federal agencies including but not limited to the Census Bureau, the Economic Development Administration, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics