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Vive La LILA!
July 01, 2005

Students from the Los Feliz campus of the Lycee International de Los Angeles (LILA) French/American school in a conference room at JPL.
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On the 26th of May, without leaving JPL conference room 180-101, 8 students from the Los Feliz campus of the Lycee International de Los Angeles (LILA) French/American school were in France; Virtually, that is. The students participated in a live videoconference with French students who were attending the Argonautica conference at the Aquarium in La Rochelle, France. Argonautica is a K-12 oceanography education program operating in France since 2001, and currently being piloted in the United States. The 6th through 11th grade LILA students, have been working with JPL Ocean Surface Topography Mission (OSTM) Payload Engineer, Dr. Mohamed Abid on a project to construct a buoy fitted with several temperature sensors.
LILA students at JPL
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Their buoy, when completed will be similar to ones constructed by French students. During the videoconference the LILA students made a presentation and heard and saw three French teams present. Since all of the LILA students speak fluent French, they were able to ask questions in real time and received some great construction and trouble-shooting ideas for their own buoy. The students and adults on both sides of the Atlantic who participated considered the videoconference a success and hope to have more such collaborations in the future. The LILA Buoy Team plans to have their buoy ready for launch by February 2006 as part of an Antarctic Expedition.

Annie Richardson, Education and Public Outreach Coordinator for the TOPEX/Jason and OSTM projects, is coordinating the program for JPL. For more information on Argonautica, contact Annie by email at, or by telephone at 818-393-1064.

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