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NIH MedlinePlus the Magazine, Trusted Health Information from the National Institutes of Health

Cover Story:
Traumatic Brain Injury

Going Local to Find Help

Questions to Ask Your Health Care Professional

  1. When can I get back to normal activities?
  2. Should I restrict my activities, such as exercise?
  3. Can I drive my car?
  4. What drugs should I take or stop taking?
  5. May I drink alcohol? If so, how much?
  6. What other problems could this injury cause?
  7. Will I need any special treatment or therapy?

Finding local health and social services for survivors of TBI is as important as knowing about the medical condition itself. Currently, 29 Go Local sites link nearly half the U.S. population. More are coming online all the time.

From the MedlinePlus page on Traumatic Brain Injury, you can use Go Local to find specific local services. For example, suppose you were looking for a TBI clinic in Durham, N.C. You would choose the North Carolina area from the Go Local box on the Traumatic Brain Injury page: 

Go Local North Carolina search box.

and find an entry for services, complete with description, phone numbers, maps and directions, such as

Adult Day Care

To Find Out More:

Read More "Traumatic Brain Injury" Articles
A Family Finds Its Way / TBI Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention / NIH Research to Results / Go Local to Find Help / Changing the Odds

Fall 2008 Issue: Volume 3 Number 4 Page 8